faq hot take

Blood Bowl November 2022 FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

It’s November, and you know what that means, Sports Fans! It’s time for yet another Blood Bowl FAQ! Our crack team of reporters will take a look at what changes and clarifications we’re looking at this time around. Participants: Dan...

November 2022 Sons of Behemat and Lumineth Realm-Lords FAQ – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop dropped some surprise FAQs for 2 tomes this morning, the Lumineth Realm-Lords and Sons of Behemat. Sons of Behemat was mostly clear but Lumineth did have some odd hitches that we will get to. The FAQs can be...

The November Kill Team FAQs

Games Workshop dropped a massive update for Kill Team last Friday, giving us FAQs, errata, and commentary for nearly every faction in the game, as well as answering some of our most pressing questions about Gallowdark. We'd had quite...

The Leagues of Votann FAQ Hot Take

In a stunning turn of events Games Workshop released their fastest FAQ and balance update yet, this time for the Leagues of Votann. In today's two-part update, Games Workshop released an FAQ and a points update for the Votann...

The 40k FAQ Update Hot Take: September 21, 2022

Another Codex, another updated FAQ. This time we're once again returning to the Imperial Armour Compendium, this time updating the datasheets for the forces of Chaos with new rules to reflect the recent Codex: Chaos Daemons release. As always,...

40k FAQ Update September 12, 2022: Our Long National 2″ Ruins Engagement Range Nightmare is Over

Games Workshop released an updated 40k FAQ this morning, and if you were wondering what changed well, you aren't the only one. This FAQ is more notable for what it removes rather than what it adds - in fact, nothing new...

The August 2022 Kill Team FAQ Update

Just when we were talking about the meta, Games Workshop dropped a number of new FAQs, errata, and Designer's Commentary docs for Kill Team, giving us a new set of updates and clarifications to work with. As always, we've...

Warhammer 40k FAQs Hot Take: August 10, 2022

While the US FAQs webpage is still down and throwing out 404 errors, the UK version of the page is still working and if you've refreshed it today you've likely seen that an FAQ update dropped. It's a relatively...

The 40k Ork FAQ and Point Changes Update Hot Take (7/26/2022)

FAQ updates these days sure do seem like stealth drops, huh? Today GW released a pair of updates - an updated FAQ for Codex: Orks, and an updated version of the 2022 MkII Munitorum Field Manual, the doc that...

The Rift War FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

If you thought GW was done after Monday's FAQs well, they had one more to push through, apparently. Today's FAQ covers the Rift War campaign supplement and includes a single change: Page 84 – Coteries of the Haemonculi, Benefits Change...