
Competitive Innovations in 9th: Nephilim Unleashed

All stragglers are now accounted for, and Warzone Nephilim is now the only game in town. Good news - the immediate result appears to be one of the most healthy and diverse metagames we've had for ages. Most of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Joker Mode pt.1

So the good news first - help is coming in the form of a Balance Dataslate about a month ahead of schedule, that will include changes to Harlequins, and we applaud GW for being ready to respond in an agile...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Balanced Teams

As seems to be something of a pattern, we've had a few wild, blowout weeks, we've got another exciting one coming up with the UKTC Leicester supermajor and US Roadshow finale, but this weekend past was reasonably quiet on...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Last Orders pt.1

As may not have escaped your notice, it's an exciting week in the 40K world, with a spicy new balance dataslate that's going to shake up the top metagame substantially. You can check out our rundown of that here,...

Hammer of Math: Kill Team Strike Force

With the release of Warzone Octarius Book 1, this week’s Hammer of Math does a deep dive into some of the complexities of the new Deathwatch Kill Team Strike Force Army of Renown.  Deathwatch are an interesting army. They simultaneously...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: London Goes Big

A new record has been set for the largest 9th Edition singles event so far, with around 570 players gathering at the London GT to throw down and crown a grand champion. I was there throwing down in the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Warp Stirs pt.2

More events = more content. I can't imagine there will be many complaints. Today, we'll be covering: Matthammer FactoruM September GT Carnage - 'Ere We Go Again Ladz A bonus look at the Polish Team Championships If you're looking for the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Goonhammerception

This week the answer to "were there any events?" is especially obvious for anyone paying attention to what we've been up to, because the inaugural Goonhammer Open US is now in the books, with the champion's belt (literally, that's...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Skitarii Super Sunday

It's a short introduction from me today - we've had another blowout weekend with five GT+ events to cover, and there's lots to talk about, so after one quick note we're going to dive straight in. That quick note is...

Start Competing: Deathwatch updated!

It's been a while since the Deathwatch codex came out, and while they've struggled early in 9th edition we're now seeing some great Deathwatch armies taking the field. We've updated our Start Competing article for the Imperium's premier xeno-hunters...