Death Guard

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver Tide pt.2

Our gigantic week continues today, with Lowest of Men taking the helm on the next five events. Just before I (Wings) let him loose, some hype up top - this weekend we're taking an active hand in pumping up the number...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver Tide pt.1

Welp, it's finally happened, this week we're going to three parts. That's because the past weekend was an absolutely astounding blowout of 40K, featuring ~1200 players participating in 16 GT+ events (around half of them majors) and that doesn't even account for...

Hammer of Math: Save Distribution in Warhammer 40k

This week's Hammer of Math expands on the work from last week and looks at how Saves are distributed across the competitive scene. Last week we looked at how toughness characteristics were distributed in Warhammer 40k tournament lists and talked...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: 24-Karat Carnage pt.1

The Adeptus Custodes are back in business this week, bringing joy to the hearts of anyone who loves gold and despair to anyone who hates playing against army-wide 4+ Invulnerable Saves. Please do not think too hard about whether...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2024, Part 2: Shaking Off the Rust

TheChirurgeon's Road through 2024 picks back up with more chaos space marine hobby progress and a practice game against post-dataslate Custodes.

Competitive Innovations in 10th: You Can’t Keep an Elf Down pt.2

And now presented for your delectation - elves. They're back. In many ways they never left. Lowest of Men will have the full gory details in a moment, but before that one final plug in this column for the Goonhammer Open...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: You Can’t Keep an Elf Down pt.1

The post-Dataslate world beckons, and we have the first few results to look at. Today we've got a chaotic clash at the top, don't worry about it. Don't look at the title. Everything's OK. Lowest of Men will tell...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Rearguard Action pt.1

The new post-Dataslate world will shortly be upon us (and you can check out all our coverage starting here), but we've still got last weekend's events and (presumably) a few more coming up this week featuring the old metagame. The...

Q1 2024 Balance Dataslate & MFM – Chaos – The Goonhammer Review

Today Games Workshop released a massive update for Warhammer 40,000 giving us a huge shake-up for competitive play. In addition to the balance dataslate for Q1 2024, we also saw the release of a new game-wide points update, rules/FAQ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Boxed Out pt.2

The LVO may have dominated the US scene, but elsewhere there was plenty more 40K happening. Despite being pretty deep into the edition, people are still finding new ways of using some of the indexes, which is pretty awesome to...