Death Guard

9th Edition Faction Focus: Death Guard

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a...

War of the Spider Round-up

9th edition may be approaching at a breakneck pace but there's still plenty of relevant 8th edition content coming out that will still be relevant when 9th edition drops. We covered the recap of Engine War last week and...

Psychic Awakening – War of the Spider Review: The Lore

If you've been following along with all of our Psychic Awakening Lore Reviews you'll know that this part of the review is where I describe all the weird stuff that the explosion of warp energy is doing to psykers....

Hammer of Math: Death Guard in War of the Spider

Psychic Awakening has started to near the end, with only Pariah left before we expect to see the release of 9th Edition. War of the Spider has been particularly well received thanks to a healthy injection of content for...

War of the Spider Review, Part 1: The Death Guard

Death Guard were the second codex of 8th edition and thumbing through the book, it certainly feels like it. Many of their rules have the mark of early 8th edition writing style to them, with a glut of characters...

How to Paint Death Guard – Rockfish’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.  As my backlog was steadily being emptied by the pandemic, it was finally time to take on...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: May 2020 (mid-month)

Unbelievably, we're already halfway through May. 2020 is both the longest and shortest year on record, and that's reflected not only in the rapid advance of time (pretend I included one of those tear-off desk calendar things madly spraying...

How to Paint Everything: Macathu’s Bog Death Guard

While we're always going back and adding updates to our older How to Paint Everything series when we have new methods or need to adjust old links or rules talk, sometimes the updates are big enough that they deserve...

Kill Team Tactics Updates

Kill Team doesn't get a ton of updates, but there were a few factions that got major updates in the 2019 Kill Team Annual that deserved another look. So we've gone ahead and updated those. We've updated Chaos Space...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: April 2020 (mid-month)

With Covid-19 rampaging across the world, many of our authors have way more painting time than normal. As such, for April we're doing a two-part hobby round-up, in the middle of the month and at the end, to let...