Death Guard

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Iron Halo and Red Rock Exterminatus

Welcome back to the second part of our coverage of what proved to be an extremely busy weekend for the 40K tournament scene, this time turning our attention to two events taking place in the USA, the Iron Halo...

Hammer of Math: Plague Marines and Double Wounds

In this week's Hammer of Math Kevin and PierreTheMime takes a look at the resurgent Death Guard and how the presence of 2W Plague Marines is going to make life a nightmare for anyone trying to kill them. Last month...

Hobby Heresy: The Chirurgeon’s Death Guard Daemon Prince

Ah the Daemon Prince. Is there any model more integral to the Chaos Space Marine experience with such a lackluster model? (OK, I see your point about possessed. We're gonna come back to those in a future article though)....

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Hellstorm RTT Safari

For the first time in a few weeks we find ourselves without a new GT to talk about as the 9th Edition evolves, but that doesn't mean that the fiery coals of innovation aren't smouldering away across the world,...

Beanith’s Road to… NoVA?: Building a Death Guard Finale?

Picture this scenario if you will, dear reader, which may or may not have happened on a typical Thursday afternoon last week. Rob: Why are you in that hammock and why are the Goonhammer Offices full of sand? Beanith: Sipping from...

Little Wars: Combat Patrol Mission Gameplay in 9th

We've devoted a lot of time and energy to Strike Force missions in 9th edition, but we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about some of the other new ways to play 40k with smaller armies. In today's article,...

Hammer of Math: Grenades

This week's article takes a look at the utility of grenades in Warhammer 40K, and at what point (if ever) should you consider tossing one instead of shooting the enemy in the face. The grenade is a bit of an...

9th Edition Faction Focus: Death Guard

9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a...

War of the Spider Round-up

9th edition may be approaching at a breakneck pace but there's still plenty of relevant 8th edition content coming out that will still be relevant when 9th edition drops. We covered the recap of Engine War last week and...

Psychic Awakening – War of the Spider Review: The Lore

If you've been following along with all of our Psychic Awakening Lore Reviews you'll know that this part of the review is where I describe all the weird stuff that the explosion of warp energy is doing to psykers....