Death Guard

War Zone Charadon: The Book of Rust Review – The Matched Play Rules

Next weekend sees not just one but two massive releases for competitive Warhammer 40,000. In addition to the 9th edition release of Codex: Drukhari (find our review of that book here), Games Workshop will also be releasing their first...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Equinox 40K

It's New Zealand's turn to shine once more, as the past weekend featured the 36-player Equinox 40K GT. Last time we headed over to a NZ GT Death Guard were absolutely dominant, taking three out of four of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Over the Top GT

The thunder from down under shows no signs of abating, and this week we're zooming in on New Zealand's north island to take a look at the results of the Over the Top GT. After a modest start last...

Hammer of Math: T’au Commanders, Combi-Weapons, and Morty vs Deathwing

This week's Hammer of Math will cover several reader submitted questions submitted via our request form. Specifically we'll look at the difference between T'au Commander options, when (if ever) it's worth firing both barrels of combi-weapons, and which of...

Nurgle’s Chosen – The Lore of Codex: Death Guard

The armies and factions of Warhammer 40,000 are all brutal and impressive in their own ways. As new books release, we dive into the lore presented in each, and how it shapes the fictional universe we love and make...

Ruleshammer: Codex Death Guard

Death Guard have gotten a whole codex of new and interesting rules and this week on Ruleshammer I’m going to go through a few of the details and interactions that might come up. Most of them have answers too!...

Codex: Death Guard Round-Up

Codex: Death Guard is finally in stores and we're pumped to play with this new iteration of the Nurgley bois. In case you missed any of our coverage of the new book, the army, or are looking for a...

Don Hooson Talks Death Guard on Heretic Wargaming USA

Fresh off a series of articles about the new Death Guard book, Don Hooson was on the Heretic Wargaming USA podcast this week, talking about his favorite units in the new book and his thoughts on playing Death Guard....

Nick Nanavati Reviews Codex: Death Guard and Talks Tactics

Our ongoing coverage of the new Death Guard Codex continues! Today we're joined by a special guest - Art of War's Nick Nanvati, a former ITC champion and top-ranked 40k player. Nick's offering his thoughts on the new Codex...

Playing Death Guard with the New Codex

We're just excited as can be about the new Death Guard Codex, especially Don Hooson and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones, who today are talking about their thoughts on playing the army with the new book and some thoughts on building...