Death Guard

Competitive Innovations BONUS: Don Hooson’s Dallas Open Death Guard List

I took another "Hooson List" to the now-infamous Dallas Open two weeks ago and was surprised at how effective it was. The event itself was great. It ran mostly on-time, there were a lot of judges which were quick...

The Fabricator General: Building a Nurgle-themed display board, Version 2

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a massive place, and in the Fabricator General hobby articles, we cover larger, more complex projects that might be daunting to newer entrants to the hobby. This week, Charlie A is talking about revisiting...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Drukhari and the Dallas Open

Last week we went wide, this week we're going tall. The Dallas Open was a huge showcase for the game, with over 170 players starting, and eight rounds to ensure that the finest lists had a chance to emerge...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Spring Up GT and War for the Wooden Spoon

The floodgates have well and truly opened this week, with an absolute blockbuster schedule of events that put a wide range of armies that have been painstakingly developed over lockdown to the test alongside new contenders Drukhari. The sheer volume...

The Goonhammer Guide to Death Guard

We're a couple months into 9th edition Death Guard and with the re-release of Start Competing: Death Guard yesterday we've basically wrapped up our coverage of Death Guard for the time being. But if you missed any of it...

Start Competing: Death Guard Updated!

With the new Codex out for more than two months now we were overdue for an update of Start Competing: Death Guard and so without further ado here it is - the deepest dive into the faction yet, full...

Hammer of Math: When to Scythe and When to Cleave

This week's Hammer of Math is a bit of preparation for our upcoming Start Competing article for Death Guard. With the efficacy of Mortarion and Deathshroud Terminators, when should you use the different options for their scythes? 40k remains a...

Death Guard: Building Around the Terminus Est Assault Force

There's been a lot of talk about the new Terminus Est Assault Force and whether it's going to be good competitively. Today Goonhammer Chaos authors Don Hooson and Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones are looking at the army and offering thoughts...

Hammer of Math: Death Guard Psychic Disciplines

This week's Hammer of Math takes a likely fatal deep dive into the Contagion and Fester Disciplines of the Death Guard. With the arrival of The Book of Rust and the addition of a second discipline for members of a...

How to Paint Everything: 2nd Edition Chaos Space Marines

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything. We look at different techniques and approaches to achieving results and the lore behind some of the models we're painting. As GOONHAMMER '96 comes...