Death Guard

The Chirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 3: The Lone Star Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the third part of my ongoing progress blog/tournament series for 2021. Last week I talked about some final prep and practice for the Lone Star Open. This week we'll talk about whether any of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Big Summer Blowout pt.2

More tournaments, more content - that's the deal. To help make good on that, today James "Boon" Kelling is joining me to cover the lists from the Renegade Summer Meltdown GT, where many of his team were in attendance, while I'll...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Machine Superiority

No more quiet weeks, it would appear. For the second week running we've got five events to cover, and another blowout this weekend coming up, which sees both the Lone Star Open and the first weekend in the UK...

TheChirurgeon’s Road to… 2021, Part 2: Final Prep for the Lone Star Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the second part of my ongoing progress blog for 2021. Last week I talked about my initial prep for the Lone Star Open and a few challenges that were still hanging in the air,...

TheChirurgeon’s Road to… Well, Lots of Places

Welcome, Dear Reader, to the first in my ongoing hobby journal/tournament report series for the 2021 ITC season. Much like my fellow Goonhammer author Pendulin, now that events are back in full swing it feels like it's a good...

40k Battle Report: A Fell Tide

It's been a while since we did a good battle report and in today's report TheChirurgeon is reviewing a Crusade game played using the new "A Fell Tide" mission from White Dwarf 465.

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Skitarii Super Sunday

It's a short introduction from me today - we've had another blowout weekend with five GT+ events to cover, and there's lots to talk about, so after one quick note we're going to dive straight in. That quick note is...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Drukhari Endgame

A huge weekend for competitive play is now lodged firmly in the books, with two majors and a GT bringing us both the denouement of the pre-nerf Drukhari era and the first sight of what the world might look...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Bugeater GT & Armed Forces Day Charity GT

Last week brought some massive shakeups to the world of 40K, and change is on the horizon. The Big FAQ, GT2021 pack, points changes and Drukhari nerfs all represent some big shakeups, but we've still got a couple of...

The 2021 Big 40k FAQs Hot Take: Chaos Edition

Games Workshop dropped an absolute bombshell of an update today, with FAQs for the majority of factions, tons of clarifications, and big adjustments to everything from core rules to key faction abilities. There’s a ton to sift through but...