Death Guard

How to Paint Death Guard – TheChirurgeon’s Pre-Heresy Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.  The Death Guard are one of the notable Chaos Space Marine factions known for changing their...

How to Paint Death Guard – TheChirurgeon’s Method

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint the Death Guard. To return to the parent article, click this link.  The Death Guard are a fun army to paint, offering not just large, detailed models but...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 16: Warzone Houston Prep

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing chronicle of misadventures through competitive Warhammer 40,000. It's been a while since my last update! Last time around I had wrapped up my time at Tacoma, winning the Lieutenant's Bracket for a 6-2...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The September 2023 40k Balance Dataslate – Chaos Factions

The first balance dataslate of 40k's 10th edition comes screaming down from the Games Workshop Strike Cruiser and unloads a drop pod full of rules updates, accompanied by version 1.3 of the Munitorum Field Manual which incorporates a broad...

Innes Wilson Talks Playing Death Guard at the Clan Wars Scottish GT

Innes Wilson is the captain of Team Scotland, a member of Stat Check, and one of the best 40k players in the world. He recently decided to show all of us up by taking Death Guard to an event...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Aeldari Annihilation

That's annihilation by Aeldari, not annihilation of Aeldari, to be clear. We're in week one of full 10th Edition, and let's be honest that it's a little bit of a false start, because late last week we received both the Leviathan Tournament Companion...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 11: Rushing Through the Rest of KC to get to 10th

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing series cataloging my competitive and hobby journey through 2023. Last time around I wrote about day 1 at the KC Open and some cool games we played. Since then everything released for 10th...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual (Chaos)

So far we’ve seen the Chaos factions of 10th edition run the gamut from very strong (Thousand Sons) to pretty dire (Death Guard), but that’s only half the story - the point values of these units makes a huge...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Death Guard Index

Death Guard first received a Codex in 8th edition when they became a standalone army for the first time. Since then they’ve carved out a niche for themselves as the durable but slow army, trudging across the field as...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 10: Fat Beardos and Skinny Weirdos (KC Open, Part 2)

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing series cataloging my competitive and hobby journey through 2023. Last time around I wrote about getting to the KC Open and playing my stream game of 10th edition with Death Guard. This time...