
The January 2023 Warhammer 40k FAQ Update

Today certainly has been a busy day. In addition to dropping preorders for Arks of Omen, the latest points in the Munitorium Field Manual, and the Balance Dataslate, Games Workshop has also released FAQs for a significant number of...

The Q4 2022 Kill Team Balance Dataslate Review

It's a Christmas(?) miracle! No sooner had we finished writing up our review of the new FAQs than Santa (or Father Christmas, or Professor Xmas, or whoever brings presents where you are) decided to swing by and deliver to...

The Q3 2022 Kill Team Dataslate – Goonhammer Hot Take

It's almost October and that means it was time for a new quarterly dataslate. The Q3 2022 dataslate dropped today, coming in a bit earlier than expected. Kill Team has been settling into a solid groove recently, with some...