
The Q1 2024 Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Coming less than a week from the conclusion of Adepticon, we have in our hands the latest and greatest changes to Kill Team. The end of 2023 saw some massive changes to the game, but even in that short...

The Q1 2024 40k Balance Dataslate Competitive Roundtable

In the Q1 2024 40k Balance Dataslate Competitive Roundtable some of our competitive players sit down and talk about the new datalate - the good, the bad, and what it does to the game.

The Warhammer 40k Q1 2024 Balance Dataslate Review

A new season of Warhammer 40k is upon us! In addition to points updates, a comprehensive FAQ/errata document, a new detachment, and rules commentary, Games Workshop also updated the balance dataslate to incorporate a host of new changes. And...

The Pre-Dataslate State of the 40k Meta (January, 2024)

With the next 40k balance update looming, we take a look at the current state of the meta after LVO and what needs to change this time around.

The Kill Team Q4 2023 Dataslate Hot Take

The Kill Team Q4 2023 Dataslate Hot Take - Everything's getting a major shake up, just in time for LVO! Find out what changed and what it means.

Goonhammer Reviews the 10th Edition Launch Balance Pass

As you may have seen earlier today in Competitive Innovations, Eldar are looking pretty hot in 10th Edition, most would argue too hot, and a few other factions have been putting up fairly eye-catching performances. Luckily, the Design Team...

Goonhammer Roundtable: The Final 9th Edition Dataslate for Warhammer 40k

This is it folks, the endgame. The final dataslate of 9th edition has dropped, and it’s got quite a few changes in it that shake up the meta in interesting ways. We dropped our standard hot take on the...

The Final 9th Edition Dataslate and FAQ update: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Earlier today, Games Workshop released what will presumably be the last Balance Dataslate of 9th edition, which you can find here. Accompanying it is an updated FAQ for the Arks of Omen GT pack. The combination of the December 2022...

The Q1 2023 Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop have crunched through the data from Kill Team events for the three months since the last dataslate, received feedback from the community, and are back with buffs and nerfs to try to get everyone in the 45-55%...

Goonhammer’s Updated Crusade Balance Dataslate: January 2023

Last week we announced our big upcoming Global Crusade campaign - you can find those details here. This week we're kicking off some near-daily coverage and previews of the campaign, including materials and information players will need for the...