
Darkoath by Chris Thursten – The Goonhammer Review

Saelfe reviews Darkoath, by Chris Thursten, which carries on the story of the Brand Oathsworn tribe introduced during the final book of the Dawnbringers series.

Darkoath Launch Box: The Goonhammer Review

Huge thanks to Games Workshop for providing our team with copies of the Darkoath launch box for review. Have you stayed awake at night, pondering the Riddle of Steel? Was your first run of Baldur's Gate 3 as a human...

Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Battletome Supplement: Rules Review

We would like to thank Games Workshop for providing us an early copy of the Darkoath army box and rules for review purposes. The Darkoath Battletome Supplement is here and adds a few units to the Slaves to Darkness arsenal....

How to Base Everything: Pools of Slime

Basing is a critical part of the painting process. Armies on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium or the Mortal Realms will find themselves fighting across a wide variety of terrain, from lush jungles to barren rockscapes, industrial wastelands...

Goonbowl Painting Challenge – The Darkoath Chieftain

Way back in February, Lupe challenged us all to a painting contest. Each entrant had to paint up a Darkoath Chieftain in their own style, and then take 3 photos from different angles, after which they'd be eligible for...