dark mechanicus

Goonhammer Review: Stalker Constructs and Serperos Heavy Stalkers for Legions Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus

The recent Rise of the Dark Mechanicum supplement for Legions Imperialis introduced the Mechanicum, with a lot of robots, vehicles and infantry we’d previously seen at 32mm scale. It also included the Dark Mechanicum Stalkers, which are an entirely...

Goonhammer Review: Stalker Constructs in Adeptus Titanicus

You know how it is: You wait ages for a new unit in Adeptus Titanicus, then four come scuttling along at once. Games Workshop kindly provided us with a box each of Stalker Constructs (the little ones) and Serperos ‘Overlord’...

Legions Imperialis: Rise of The Dark Mechanicum – The Goonhammer Review

The new book for Legions Imperialis, The Rise of the Dark Mechanicum, provides a large amount of new content for the game. Most importantly, it adds a whole new faction, or kind of four of them, with the Mechanicum,...

Legions Imperialis: Rise of The Dark Mechanicum Model Review

Games Workshop was kind enough to send us as copy of the new Mechanicum Battle Group, which NotThatHenryC and Thundercloud split, built and kind of partially painted. Thanks very much Games Workshop - additional thanks to Sky Serpent for...