dark eldar

Detachment Focus: Reaper’s Wager

The Reaper's Wager is a two-fer, combining Drukhari and Harlequins. We look at everything in the Detachment, how it works, and how to play it.

Q4 2024 40K Balance Dataslate: Xenos

The December 2024 Balance update brought some major changes and in this article we're looking at what changed for Xenos factions and what it means for your games.

Just Another Killteam Podcast Unboxes Nightmare!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egUOFVZ00rw Join us as your fellow Killteam enthusiasts crack open their very first GW sponsored product! Nightmare's got some excellent sprues for gamers of all sorts, and one of the more interesting stylistic add-ons to Bheta Decima!

Kill Team: Nightmare – Drukhari Mandrakes Review

The upcoming Kill Team: Nightmare boxed set brought us two amazing new teams featuring all-new models for older units/factions in the game. The first are the terrifying Night Lords (you can find that review here), while the other are...

The Rift War FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

If you thought GW was done after Monday's FAQs well, they had one more to push through, apparently. Today's FAQ covers the Rift War campaign supplement and includes a single change: Page 84 – Coteries of the Haemonculi, Benefits Change...

2Q22 Faction Focus: Archon Skari Talks Drukhari

Games Workshop dropped its Q2 Balance Dataslate for 40k in mid-April, dramatically changing a number of key factions. Astra Militarum, Marines and Sisters were buffed, Harlequins, T’au, and Custodes were nerfed, and some key game rules were changed. Now...

How to Paint Everything: Drukhari

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universes, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. This week we’re looking at how to paint Drukhari,...

Keys to the Spire, Part 3: Talking Drukhari with Archon Skari

Welcome, Fellow Denizen or webway wanderer to the last part in this series exploring the Dark Eldar yes, I still call them that, since I'm an OG Archon, and I wear your face over my face (also if you...

Keys to the Spire, Part 2: Talking Drukhari with Archon Skari

Welcome back readers, to Keys to the Spire. I, Skari, Ancient Archon, have returned at the behest of the Mon-keigh here at Goonhammer to provide more of the dark secrets of the Drukhari. In today’s article we’ll be tackling...

Tournament Report: Renegade Wargaming’s Spring Up GT

Hi everyone, James "Boon" Kelling here, back from a crushing win at the 2021 Renegade Wargaming Spring Up GT, where I clowned the shit out of five straight opponents to crush everyone with Drukhari, heralding the dawn of a...