Dark Angels

Horus Heresy Hot Take: Dark Angels Legion Inner Circle Knights Cenobium

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, we’re covering the latest step on the Road to Thramas - the Inner Circle Knights Cenobium, for the Lion's...

How to Paint Everything: Ritual of the Damned

Ritual of the Damned released last weekend, with brand new rules for the Dark Angels, Grey Knights, and Thousand Sons. It's an exciting time for all three factions, and we expect new players will be raring to pick these...

Ritual of the Damned Review Part 4: The Lore

We've seen so far how the Psychic Awakening is enhancing latent psychic abilities across the galaxy. Prayer is more powerful, demons are surging, and Librarians from all Chapter are finding their abilities strengthened. So what happens to those who...

Hammer of Math: Calculus of the Damned

In this week's Hammer of Math, Kevin and Rob take a look at some of the possibilities within the latest Psychic Awakening Book, Ritual of the Damned, and how they impact the forces of the Thousand Sons, Grey Knights,...

Ritual of the Damned Reviews

In case you missed all the reviews yesterday (they're still on the front page as of this writing), we've collected them for you here. Psychic Awakening 4: Ritual of the Damned is coming out next week, and it's a doozy....

Ritual of the Damned Review, Part 1: Dark Angels

Well, it finally happened. After jamming the snooze button three times, Psychic Awakening IV: Ritual of the Damned is here, and one of Warhammer's oldest and most storied Marine chapters has been blessed with an update to their codex,...

Gunum Presents: Hear Me out, Cyle! The Hogs’ Road to LVO

These Little Piggies are Going to Vegas Hey everyone! Gunum here and we are getting close to the big show. The big bamboozie. The Superbowl of the 40k Season.  The start of the true New Year. The Las Vegas Open!...

Gunum Presents: Hear me out, Cyle! A Hog-initiation

A Herd as Strong as its Parts Hey team! Gunum here and I feel like it's been a while since I've had a chance to reach out and entice you to expand your minds by using unique units to their...

Greg’s 2019 in Review: Get a Load of This Clown.

I started 2019 with a pretty simple goal: not giving a shit about Warhammer 40,000. It, uh, didn't exactly go according to plan. Goonhammer This is going up here first, because it's the single biggest hobby contribution I (or anyone else),...

Naramyth and Gunum: End of the Road to Renegade – Tournament Report, Part 2

Renegade: End of the Road Gunum here, presenting the second and final of our Renegade Recap! After a small* (read long) delay after back-to-back releases this past Thanksgiving weekend requiring review writing, I was finally able to sit down and...