
Index Chaos Daemons 10th Edition 2.0: The Goonhammer Review

Games Workshop recently announced that we’d be seeing Daemons units in the Codexes for the cult armies of Chaos Space Marines and with the upcoming release of Codex: Emperor’s Children we caught our first glimpse of that, looking at...

Detachment Focus: Carnival of Excess

We take a deep dive into the Daemonic Carnival of Excess Detachment from the upcoming Codex: Emperor's Children, and talk about what's in it and how to make it work.

Kings of War: Forces of the Abyss Army Review 2025

With all the exciting updates to the Forces of the Abyss in Clash of Kings 2025, we thought it was high time we reviewed them!

[40k] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Excessive Krumpin’ pt.1

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

[40K] Competitive Innovations in 10th: Dataslate Deluge pt.1

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

Old World Legacy Faction Review: Daemons of Chaos

"The Daemons of Chaos can be likened to hungry and rabid wolves. The shepherd should not waste time hating the wolf that attacks his flock. He should simply kill it." - Volkmar the Grim "Daemons? I just think they're neat."...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Ending in Fire

We advance ever-closer to the great Edition refresh, but the top dogs of late 9th Edition are still duking it out with some enthusiasm. This week it's the turn of various flavours of Ulthwe Aeldari build to surge to...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Final Quarter pt.2

Part two of our ritual to finally banish Deathwing armies from the world commences, with Lowest of Men in the driving seat. Today, we're looking at: Rataclysm 2023 (major) Grand Clash 2023 War Calls 2023 Out Of The Furnace IV: Return...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Final Quarter pt.1

I will admit that I was a little bit worried the announcement of 10th Edition might mean a slow couple of months, but uh, that does not seem to be happening. Instead, we have a mighty 12 events this...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Even Angels Fall pt.2

Really the entire story of this website has been me finding ways to make a rod for my own back. It turns out my latest success in this area is that, by splitting this into two parts and listing...