
Goonhammer Reviews Warhammer 40,000: Beyond the Veil

While the majority of our articles focus on competitive and tournament play for Warhammer 40,000, many of us here at Goonhammer enjoy narrative games that drip with theme and story as much as we do matched play games -...

Automated 40K Crusade Roster

Crusade games involve a teensy bit more paperwork than your average game of 40K. A semi-automated digital version of the Crusade roster would make things easier, and yet there didn't seem to be such a thing out in the intertubes,...

40k Badcast 79 – The Fartykay Krossfucction Khallenge

The Goonhammer group is made up of dozens of multi-talented authors, many of whom have other projects outside of the site. In addition to their work here, Dan Boyd and Crudblossom “Coldgore “Netlist “Crimbles “Cracklins “Cranky "SRM" McLungpants” McWAAClin”...

Goonhammer Approved: Lunar Assault

Fire up your Moon Base Klaisus nerds because we are GOING TO THE MOON! In this very special GOONHAMMER APPROVED: LUNAR ASSAULT we have not one but TWO AND A HALF special, linked missions for Crusade play! This scenario sees two armies...

They See Me Crusadin’, They Hatin’: An Investigation of The Crusade Gameplay Loop

Hello reader! If there was one thing that excited me about 9th edition, it was Crusade. The premise is incredible - 40k progressive Narrative play, with an official framework and heavy support is literally the stuff of dreams. But is...

The Narrative Forge: Crusade Missions

In today’s Narrative Forge, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones and Evan "Felime" Siefring will be talking about the Missions and Agendas in Crusade, how they differ from Matched Play missions and rules, and what you need to know about playing them....

The Narrative Forge: Building Our Crusade Armies

We've been talking about Warhammer 40k 9th edition’s new Crusade game mode for the past few weeks, which has players build their own unique armies that evolve and grow over time, accruing relics and experience, amassing upgrades, and building a...

Talking About Crusade on the 40k Today Podcast

We’ve plugged them before on Content We Liked but for those unfamiliar the 40k Today podcast is a fantastic resource for players looking for good, short podcasts that cover the breadth of the 40k landscape – from competitive play to...

The Narrative Forge: Running a Crusade Campaign

Last week we introduced Warhammer 40k 9th edition’s new Crusade game mode, which has players build their own unique armies that evolve and grow over time, accruing relics and experience, amassing upgrades, and building a narrative. If you missed...

The Narrative Forge: A Review of 9th Edition’s Crusade Mode

While 8th edition introduced Narrative Play to 40k with the games “Three Ways to Play,” it’s safe to say that most players found the idea of Narrative Play to be better than its execution. One of the major improvements...