
War Zone Nachmund: Rift War – The Narrative Play & Crusade Rules Review

Lost in our less-than-enthusiastic review of the matched play rules in the new War Zone Nachmund: Rift War was our usual review of the Narrative play/Crusade rules. And it turns out there’s a lot of very interesting stuff in...

Code Mines: Why is it Hard to Change the Past in Administratum?

Welcome to the Code Mines, our (mostly) weekly development blog on Administratum. In these posts we'll be talking about the process of building Administratum, the thought behind some of the features, and our approach to making it the best...

Administratum: The Big Game Editor Update (May 22, 2022)

You've asked politely for it. You've demanded it. You've written requests for it on small slips of paper that you slid under my front door and hired a skywriter to carve your feature requests into the clouds above my...

SRM’s Road to The US Open Seattle Part 7: Grot Me Wrong

I'm not gonna say "I was wrong" or "I accidentally lied" as a lead-in here because that feels underhanded. I already have your click and no longer need to bait you. Instead, I'll spell it out in terms both...

Administratum Updates: The Wars of Faith Update (May 2, 2022)

Oh boy this is a big one, and it was worth the wait. It's an update of contrasts: We've got cool stuff coming in hot, big features and little bugfixes, all neatly packaged together in today's sprawling update. If you're...

White Dwarf 475 – Flashpoint Nachmund: A Test of Faith

And lo, Beanith wept, seeing as he had more Righteous Warfare content to review and old quotes to butcher. Welcome to the third part of the Nachmund Flashpoint: Righteous Warfare series where we find out what happens when a unit...

Administratum is now in Public Beta!

It's been a long road but after two months of testing we're happy to announce that Administratum 2.0 has now entered Public Beta, and is open for sign-ups! You can find it by clicking on the big button below: What...

Codex Tyranids: The Crusade Rules Review

Welcome, unnamed faceless bio-construct designed only to sate your own bottomless hunger, to the latest iteration of creating a planet, and then getting mad at that planet. Rather than waste time with things like “diplomacy” or “seizing the means...

Administratum Updates: April 10th, 2022

Over the campfire, the warlord shouts at you , "what is best in life?" Sitting proud on your conquest, you reply "crush your enemies, see them driven before you, to get victory bonuses and watch numbers go up." And that's...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 7: Crusade Weekend

Welcome back, Dear Reader! It's only been a couple of days since my previous article on my progress through 2022, but I felt it was worth writing a quick update before this weekend, when I'll be going to the...