
Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: Hundred Kingdoms

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this I’m going over how the game plays and each faction that you can place on the table, their strengths, weaknesses, and how to field...

Goonhammer Hot Take: Conquest October Update

It’s less than a week since the last one of these, but there’s even more changes to be seen and we want to talk about the ones that we like the most…and then some others that we don’t really...

Goonhammer Hot Take: Conquest Nords and W’adrhŭn October 24′ Update

Surprise! It’s a rules update. Every faction is seeing updates at least in a small way but we're focusing down on the Nords and W’adrhŭn here because they've been redone from top to bottom. The entire Goonhammer Conquest team...

Conquest Lore: The Spires of Eä

The Conquest army I play more than any other is the Spires. Is it because it came in the original starter set and I ended up with four of them? Perhaps. Is it because once you’ve painted 100 force-grown...

Faction Focus: W’adrhŭn in Conquest First Blood

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this I'm going over how the game plays and each faction that you can place on the table, their strengths, weaknesses, and how to...

How to Paint Everything: Old Dominion

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different techniques and approaches. This week, we're taking a look at Mike's approach to his studio scheme inspired Old Dominion. I knew that going...

Lore Explainer: Eä, The World of Conquest

In Lore Explainer, we take a deep look at the lore behind our favorite games, movies, and books, and talk about the story behind them and sum up what you need to know and how you can find out...

Conquest Campaign Pack Review: Crucible of Wills

I was excited to get my hands on the first Conquest campaign pack: Crucible of Wills, the Stone Face Campaign. The Warhammer codex system is deeply outdated and awkward as a means of delivering rules, but the one thing...

How To Paint Everything: Conquest Sorcerer Kings Part 2

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different techniques and approaches. This week we’re looking at how to plan and execute a simple but striking paint scheme for massed troops...

Tabletop Battles Updates August 30, 2024: Support for Spearhead and Boarding Actions

We've been cooking up some big updates in Tabletop battles, including support for Spearhead and Boarding Actions.