competitive play

Kill Team Competitive Innovations – GenCon Provides Answers To Kill Team’s Most Important Question… Are Gretchin Competitive?

Greetings, fellow Sam Fishers! As many of you probably know, Kill Team in the United States has been rather slow to catch on competitively in the year since its release. Only the largest events have held tournaments with many...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Spectacular pt. 1

It's happening agaiiiiinnnn. We've hit another week where truly spectacular amounts of Warhammer has happened all around the world, with just over seven hundred players participating in an event of GT size or larger before you count the main event of...

Kings of War: Road to ConVic22 Part Five – Winter Carnage

G’day Goonhammer readers! The Australian tournament ConVic 2022 is almost upon us, but we have one more chance to truly test our lists at a small local tournament aptly named Winter Carnage (it’s quite cold in Melbourne!). Winter Carnage...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 6: Adventures of a Filthy Casual

After a frenetic prep phase in which I painted something like 380 points of Shasvastii, let's talk about how I actually did in the ITS After Dark tournament at GenCon. If you harken back to the beginning of this saga,...

The Summer of Skorpekh: Wings’ Road to the LGT

As has been extensively chronicled over the last few weeks in Competitive Innovations, Warzone Nephilim is proving to be one of the most balanced formats we've seen for ages, and what's particularly notable is that some previously underwhelming factions...

Nephilim Faction Focus: Ben Jurek Talks Orks

Welcome to War Zone: Nephilim! There’s never been a shake-up this large during an edition of 40k, and in June Games Workshop dropped a new missions pack with all-new secondaries, changed how CP works in games, published new, all-digital...

The New Tabletop Battles App Public Beta

Yesterday we previewed it, and today we're happy to say that the public beta of the new Tabletop Battles app (formerly ITC Battles) is finally here! You can go and download the app by using one of the links...

The August 2022 Kill Team FAQ Update

Just when we were talking about the meta, Games Workshop dropped a number of new FAQs, errata, and Designer's Commentary docs for Kill Team, giving us a new set of updates and clarifications to work with. As always, we've...

The Kill Team Meta Analysis – August 2022

It's been a while since our last Kill Team Meta Analysis and it felt like we were overdue to revisit some of those stats and see how things have shaken out since May. With Kill Team Dark - and...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Something Old, Something New, Lots of Drogors, Pusgoyles Spew

Four events to cover this week! Apologies if I'm a little loopy at times during today's article, I'm writing this at 4am because my daughter decided she wanted nothing more than to party in the middle of the night....