competitive play

Bonesplitterz at the Blackout VI GT: An Age of Sigmar Tournament Report

The Blackout series of events are 5-round, 2000-point matched play AoS affairs, usually run as ‘by the book’ as possible. Veteran TO Chris Tomlin has had an understandably rough recent run of it with cancellations and drops around Covid,...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 20: WarZone Houston

Hello, Dear Reader, and welcome back to my ongoing log of the 2022 season. Last time around I was furiously prepping for WarZone Houston, touching up Thousand Sons, refining the list, and touching up the models in order to...

Infinity Tournament Season (ITS) 14 Rules Round-Up

It’s that time of year again, Goons! ITS 14 has dropped and Goonhammer is bringing you the Poblano of spicy takes on this development. Are ya ready, kids? I can't hear you... Genghis Cohen: I am excited to see this...

Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40,000 Review, Part 4 of 4 – Forces of the Imperium

This week we're covering the new Universes Beyond Commander release for Magic: the Gathering, which combines two of our favorite games in the best way. Today we're talking about the new cards in the Imperial deck. Forces of the Imperium...

NOVA Champion Jack Harpster Recaps the Event

We've finally reached the finale of our coverage of the NOVA 2022 event and we're going out with a bang. This week we're joined by current #1 in the ITC player Jack Harpster from The Art of War, who...

Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40,000 Review, Part 3 of 4 – Necron Dynasties

This week we're covering the new Universes Beyond Commander release for Magic: the Gathering, which combines two of our favorite games in the best way. Today we're talking about the new cards in the Necron deck. Necron Dynasties is a...

Into the Warp: Nick Nanavati Talks Chaos Daemons

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen, and readers of all ages. Gather ‘round the campfire as I tell you the tale of Chaos. You see my children, with this latest Codex: Chaos Daemons our gracious rules writers at Games Workshop have blessed...

Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40,000 Review, Part 2 of 4 – The Ruinous Powers

This week we're covering the new Universes Beyond Commander release for Magic: the Gathering, which combines two of our favorite games in the best way. Today we're talking about the new cards in the Chaos deck. The Ruinous Powers is...

Star Wars: Armada Faction Focus – Galactic Empire

Hey, it’s Summer and I get to talk about my favourite faction today. Great stuff. Schwerpunkt – “Threats of insurrection must be met with strong, centralized power.” The Galactic Empire is a dictatorial state that rose to power in the wake...

Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40,000 Review, Part 1 of 4 – Tyranid Swarm

This week we're covering the new Universes Beyond Commander release for Magic: the Gathering, which combines two of our favorite games in the best way. Today we're talking about the new cards in the Tyranids deck. Tyranid Swarm is a...