competitive play


You knew it'd be back. You asked for it. We finally caved in. It's time, Dear Reader, to return to the BLUNDERDOME. I won't lie to you; it took us quite a while to figure out what we wanted our second...

The November Kill Team FAQs

Games Workshop dropped a massive update for Kill Team last Friday, giving us FAQs, errata, and commentary for nearly every faction in the game, as well as answering some of our most pressing questions about Gallowdark. We'd had quite...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 25: Day 3 of the Kansas City Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the log of my ongoing Warhammer 40,000 journey through 2022. Last time around I talked about day 2 at the GW US Open event in Kansas City and finishing my first six games 3-3, with...

Bringing the Chaos Dwarves to the Leagues of Votann: Part 1

In this new semiregular blog series, we're following along with Shane Watts as he converts, builds, and paints his Leagues of Votann army, then sets out to take on the ITC with them.  First, an introduction, since it's been a...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Start Competing: Goat Format

Did you play Yu-Gi-Oh! on the playground with your friends? Is new Yu-Gi-Oh! too complicated for you? Do you just want to relive those old school yard days? Then have I got the format for you! Good evening (or morning,...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 24: Day 2 of the Kansas City Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the log of my ongoing Warhammer 40,000 journey through 2022. Last time around I talked about getting to the KC Open and starting the event with a 2-1 record, losing to Tyranids. Today the adventure...

8 Games, 3 models. An Interview with the True King of Kansas City

The GW Kansas City Open has come and gone, and one true Champion showed up with an off-the-wall army that captured my attention immediately. One of our Discord Patrons was on the scene, and so I deputized them to...

Commander Focus: Two’s a Party

Hi everyone! My name is Will, but you'll see me around by my alias, "Loxi." I've played Magic since Return to Ravnica and Commander for the past 7 or so years. I've always been passionate about the game being...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 23: Day 1 of the Kansas City Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the log of my ongoing Warhammer 40,000 journey through 2022. Last time around I was hard at work prepping for the Kansas City Open, getting in practice games, testing new lists, and uh, blackmailing Art...

Blood Bowl – Eurobowl 22 Preview

Next weekend, on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Malta, over 400 coaches will gather to contest two of the largest and most prestigious tournaments in the world of Blood Bowl.  King_Ghidra is here to give you the lowdown on...