competitive play

Conquest Faction Focus: The Hundred Kingdoms – Updated 24/3/2024

The Hundred Kingdoms are in one sense an extremely middle of the road faction. They're baseline humans, with average human stats, average human armour, and average human force organisation. There are no surprises here, no weird units that you'll...

A Man And His Jokers: Malifaux at CaptainCon 2023

Longtime readers of the column (or "Togepi-heads") will remember my last trip to CaptainCon, New England's premier pirate-themed wargaming extravaganza.  How little I knew then!  How young and naive I was!  Malifaux Burns had just been released, and people...

Goonhammer’s Guide to 9th Edition World Eaters

It's been a busy two weeks with the release of Codex: World Eaters and if you missed any of our coverage or were looking for advice on how to play the army, how to paint the new models, or...

Editorial: No, you do not need the latest Chapter Approved or General’s Handbook

Why you do NOT need the latest 6-month-cycle tournament book when you're not a tournament player.

Blood Bowl – State of the Competitive Meta – Part 2

Earlier last year we did our first Goonhammer look at the Blood Bowl Tournament meta.  For the first time in a long time, Blood Bowl has become a game much like other GW games, where we see changes, updates,...

Of Wrath and Rage: Lowest of Men’s Flesh Tearers at the Vigilant and Faithful RTT

Welcome reader! Tom, the Lowest of Men here. I'm back with another event report, this time covering a rare foray into Incursion sized 1,000 point games of Warhammer 40,000. I'll be reflecting on the Incursion scale, as well as...

Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Emperor’s Children

With a new batch of rules updates comes the need to revisit the strategies and tactics of each faction. Today Anthony “Violence” Vanella is talking about the changes to Emperor’s Children and how those changes will affect them in...

Kill Team: Adeptus Arbites Exaction Squad – Freeze! Or Don’t, I don’t care

Attention troopers! Welcome Back to the black company corner. Today we have a first look at the shiny new Arbites, with new models all in plastic; the badass police of the 40k universe are here with big shotguns, some...

Stat Check presents: X and 1: Skulls for the Skull Throne

Stat Check's X and 1 is a show dedicated to players who are looking to be as successful as they can be given limited time - players who are also parents, busy professionals, folks with limited time on their hands - if this sounds like you, then this is your show!

Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Chaos Space Marines

With a new batch of rules updates comes the need to revisit the strategies and tactics of each faction. Today Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones is looking at the traitor legions and how the changes to the points, dataslate, and army...