competitive play

X and 1: Episode 3 – How to Run a GT – A Parent’s Guide

Stat Check's X and 1 is a show dedicated to players who are looking to be as successful as they can be given limited time - players who are also parents, busy professionals, folks with limited time on their...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Start Wearing Purple pt.2

Due to ongoing Genestealer Cult activities and the instability unleashed by flagrant misuse of democracy, we've got a few changes of plans today - but from the point of view of our beloved readers they're all good. Life got...

Stat Check Episode 34 – They Came From the Land Down Under

Check out Episode 33 of Stat Check on Libsyn or wherever you download podcasts. Adam Camilleri makes a special appearance to chew out all the Dark Angels players. The team discuss the meta, whether the game is balanced, and take...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms – Falling into Darkness

Greetings realm-watchers and welcome back to another edition of CI! Two tournaments this week, both offering up some different lists than we've seen over the past few weeks and reassure us that it's not all about some High Elves...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Start Wearing Purple pt.1

It's another massive week of 40K, and this time the sinister/heroic (delete as applicable) forces of the Genestealer Cults are making a big splash. While it's not quite as busy as last week, a couple of the team have offered...

Hammer of Math: Win Rates are great data points to look at. They’re definitely not enough.

This week we've got a very special Hammer of Math, with Stat Check's Cliff Thomas filling in for Primaris Kevin. Cliff is talking about win rates and how they're not necessarily the final data point to look at when...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 3: Competitive Skull Throne Construction

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing story of competitive and hobby glory. Last time around I talked about practicing with World Eaters and I ended on a note talking about how my next episode would likely see me...

Krootcon Down Under – Am I getting good at this?

Back in July, after Gonghammer, I was a tired old man. My first 40k event in years, and I was exhausted. With a sigh of relief and a grunt of effort, I freed a finger from my bags of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.2

Our panel is back for part two of one of the biggest Competitive Innovations weeks ever. I'm once more joined by Tom Lowman, Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson and Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo to cover another seven events - plus one very special, extremely self-indulgent...

Interviewing the Top 3 Kill Team Players from the Kill Team Open

The end of the 2022 ITC season has just wrapped up with the conclusion of the Kill Team Open hosted by Kill Team Jawn, Plasma Spam, and Basement War Gamers (to name a few) in Baltimore on February 18th....