competitive play

Kill Team Tactics: Phobos Strike Teams

Do you really want to play Space Marines in Kill Team, but still want your friends to like you? Do you really wish you could find a use for your Reiver models? Do you like playing the game on...

Competitive Innovations & Reflections in the Mortal Realms – Farewell Gallet, Hello Andtor!

Something a little different this week as we sit on the divide between last season and the new season - I'll still be covering relevant 28+ player tournaments this week (There's one), but it'll be a tad more summarised...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Aeldari Annihilation

That's annihilation by Aeldari, not annihilation of Aeldari, to be clear. We're in week one of full 10th Edition, and let's be honest that it's a little bit of a false start, because late last week we received both the Leviathan Tournament Companion...

Spotlight: The Show-Me Showdown & Tabletop Battles App

Goonhammer is proud to spotlight the Show-Me Showdown, the Lord Marshall Conference’s (LMC) largest and only three-day competitive event, taking place in Kansas City, Missouri July 14th through the 16th. Comprising up to 160 players this year  the Show-Me...

Stat Check Episode 50: The First Week of 10th Stats

The core Stat Check bunch return for a close-to Birthday episode for the Bincentennial! This episode Anthony, Nathan and Innes take a look at the stats for the first week of 10th edition and then jump into a bumper questions...

Goonhammer Reviews the Leviathan Tournament Companion for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k

10th Edition already has its first GTs in the books, but we’re not done with the launch content just yet. Today Games Workshop published the Leviathan Tournament Companion (LTC), a free online document providing a mixture of advice and...

UTC Recap and Weekend Preview: June 29, 2023

The Unified Tournament Circuit is a regional circuit for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar which covers the area between Virginia and Newfoundland. In case you missed our announcement, you can find it here. You can find the full calendar of UTC...

The Q2 2023 Kill Team Balance Dataslate – The Goonhammer Hot Take

The Second Quarter Balance Patch for 2023 has arrived, bringing with it a number of changes to Kill Team. And as with prior dataslates, Goonhammer is here to both summarize and provide context and takes. If you're interested in...

Competitive Termination of 9th Edition: Dawn of 10th

9th Edition takes its final bow this week, and there's not going to be an encore because it's 10th time. Most events the past weekend ran with 9th, but a couple of intrepid TOs pushed forward into the glorious...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Imperial Armour Indexes

The long march of index reviews is nearly over. The last thing outstanding is to look at Imperial Armour, providing a rundown of all the Forge World goodies available to your faction that cost £200 per kit and which...