competitive play

Malifaux July 2023 Errata Hot Take: The Buffs

Well, well, well.  Look what we have here!  A hot steaming pile of errata!  And not a moment too soon, too.  The Madness of Malifaux was a little too mad, and some of the game's coolest and most flavorful...

Malifaux July 2023 Errata Hot Take: The FAQ

Well, well, well.  Look what we have here!  A hot steaming pile of errata!  And not a moment too soon, too.  The Madness of Malifaux was a little too mad, and some perplexing rules interactions were baffling Malifaux's top minds. Fortunately,...

UTC Recap and Weekend Preview: July 28, 2023

The Unified Tournament Circuit is a regional circuit for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar which covers the area between Virginia and Newfoundland. In case you missed our announcement, you can find it here. You can find the full calendar of UTC...

Tabletop Battles Now Supports Age of Sigmar

As many of you are aware, Goonhammer publishes Tabletop Battles, the premier app for tracking your games of Warhammer 40,000. Well GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! The app now officially supports Age of Sigmar 3rd edition. So click on the relevant link below,...

Stat Check Episode 54 – WTC Hype Approval Thread WTC list submission is 3 days away and the boys are getting ready! We have Innes, Nathan, and a very slightly late Jeremy on board to discuss the week in competitive Warhammer 40k, build some more hype for WTC, and...

Goonhammer Interviews the Top 3 Kill Team players at FLG’s Lone Star Open with a Bonus!

This week's competitor interview coverage is a double-header: We're covering both FLG’s Lone Star Open and an independent San Diego event! While both of these events used a mixed format for their games, the results are very different. Texas...

The 10th Edition 40K Index Updates and Errata Review (July 26, 2023)

Today Games Workshop made good on some of its promises of the past few weeks by delivering a large set of Index updates and errata with an eye on fixing mistakes and issues in the game’s datasheets. There’s enough...

Infinity Reinforcements: A Goonhammer Review

Genghis Cohen: Corvus Belli have previewed new rules for the next big expansion to the Infinity rules. This includes new profiles alongside a much hyped new game mechanic, Reinforcements. Thematically this accompanies a new background book, Endsong, which sees...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Stars and Springs

The Tenth Edition train is now fully barrelling down the track, as last week's Tacoma/Show me double header is followed up by another week with two massive events, this time the Lone Star Open and Palm Springs Open -...

Conquest: Shock Cavalry and Disruption Cavalry

Units in Conquest have momentum. They’re not slow, per se, but the game accurately simulates the effort involved in lining up masses of angry belligerents and having them march forward in rank and file. That is to say, moving...