competitive play

Ashes of Malifaux: Preview Season: NoVa Panel: Elite Strike Force: Justice Division

Hello Mali-folks!  Fresh off our recent look at two starter box henchmen and a robot, Wyrd opened its treasure chest to reveal a thick and enticing booty.  That's right... more spoilers! NoVa this year hosted the Malifaux Masters event as...

Wilds of Eldraine Review, Part 4 of 4: Colorless Cards

The curse of the Wicked Slumber roils through the fairy tale lands of Eldraine, and while Wil and Rowan do their best to save their kingdom and perhaps their plane, we'll be taking a look at how the new...

Goonhammer’s 10th Edition Codex: Tyranids Guide

The 10th Edition version of Codex: Tyranids drops today, and whether you've missed any of our coverage, are looking for list advice, want a recap of the lore, or need advice painting, we've got you covered. The Rules The Review...

Wilds of Eldraine Review, Part 3 of 4: Monocolor Cards

The curse of the Wicked Slumber roils through the fairy tale lands of Eldraine, and while Wil and Rowan do their best to save their kingdom and perhaps their plane, we'll be taking a look at how the new...

Interviews with the Top 3 from the NOVA Open Kill Team Tournament

Hey everyone with NOVA Open in the rear view, let's catch up with the North East’s finest. With NOVA open being one of the last two Golden Tickets on the East Coast before the World Championships in Atlanta, with...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The September 2023 40k Balance Dataslate – Xenos Factions

The first balance dataslate of 40k's 10th edition comes screaming down from the Games Workshop Strike Cruiser and unloads a drop pod full of rules updates, accompanied by version 1.3 of the Munitorum Field Manual which incorporates a broad...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The September 2023 40k Balance Dataslate – Imperium Factions

The first balance dataslate of 40k's 10th edition comes screaming down from the Games Workshop Strike Cruiser and unloads a drop pod full of rules updates, accompanied by version 1.3 of the Munitorum Field Manual which incorporates a broad...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The September 2023 40k Balance Dataslate – Chaos Factions

The first balance dataslate of 40k's 10th edition comes screaming down from the Games Workshop Strike Cruiser and unloads a drop pod full of rules updates, accompanied by version 1.3 of the Munitorum Field Manual which incorporates a broad...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: The September 2023 40k Balance Dataslate – Core Rules Changes

The first balance dataslate of 40k's 10th edition comes screaming down from the Games Workshop Strike Cruiser and unloads a drop pod full of rules updates, accompanied by version 1.3 of the Munitorum Field Manual which incorporates a broad...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Ready to Fall?

OK, so Games Workshop have done me the gracious mercy of announcing that the Balance Dataslate is coming out tomorrow (yes, good, more of this), providing me with an excellent excuse to keep this brief after a busy weekend running...