competitive play

Age of Sigmar Tournament Report: The Georgia Masters Team Event

The Georgia Masters is a team event where teams of four members played four games over two days. This event, from a competitive perspective, could not have gone worse for our team. When I filled out the 2023 goonhammer reader...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pumpkin Spice Melee pt.1

Not much of a slowdown from last weekend's massive events - we've got ten events for you this week, including four majors, and some encouraging novelty at the top. Are the Aeldari still here? Obviously, but we've got undefeated...

The Guide to Nomads in Infinity, Part One: Competitive Meta Lists

The Nomad Nation is composed of three enormous spacefaring motherships, each of which is home to a distinct group of outcasts from the wider Human Sphere. Tunguska (the money) is run by gangsters and bankers; Corregidor (the hand) is...

Magic Commander Universes Beyond: Dr. Who Set Review, Part 1 of 4: The Mechanics

The newest Universes Beyond until the one being released as a Secret Lair the week after this release as a surprise pop-up Helly Kitty I'm an adventurer, focuses on the BBC show about a regenerating Time Lord who is...

The New Start Competing (and Faction Guides): Death Guard and Thousand Sons

You may have noticed we've been doing some updates recently. We're hard at work on updating our older How to Paint Everything and Start Competing guides for 10th edition, taking a new, streamlined approach that makes them easier to...

The Badman Chronicles, Part 7: Warzone Houston!

It’s been a few months since I wrote about playing Warhammer at an event here on the Chronicles, in fact last time I did was almost an entire edition ago. Narrative-haters and tournament-lovers can rejoice: Warzone: Houston is here,...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 17: Warzone Houston

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing chronicle of misadventures through competitive Warhammer 40,000. In my most recent update I was blazing through practice games prior to Warzone Houston, prepping for the big event. In this article, I'll run...

Start Competing: Death Guard Tactics

Start Competing: Death Guard Tactics The Death Guard are a traitor legion dedicated to the Chaos God Nurgle, the god of rot and decay. Originally one of the first founding legions of space marines, the Death Guard were known for...

Interviews with the Top 3 from the London Kill Team Grand Tournament

The London Grand Tournament wrapped up this past weekend, featuring not only massive events for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar but also Kill Team. The event featured 45 players, including many of the best in the world, vying...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Superslate Supermajors pt.1

Done with the preliminaries, on to some main events! This weekend we had the LGT, usually the second largest 40K event of the entire season, and it provided an opportunity for list builders to really show off what they...