competitive play

Hammer of Math: Necrons Deep Dive

This week's Hammer of Math addresses some specific questions that have popped up from the Goonhammer Brain Trust regarding Necrons. While the article from last year covered things from a generalist perspective, our resident experts here at Goonhammer have done...

The Incarnate In the Mortal Realms

We take a deep look at the Incarnate in the Mortal Realms - what it does, its impact, and if it needs to be fixed.

Kill Team Tactics: Hierotek Circle

Released in mid 2023 with the Shadowvault expansion for Kill Team, the Hierotek Circle reintroduced Necrons to Kill Team and replaced the Tomb World Kill Team in the compendium. And while they were weak at first, several rounds of...

Detachment Focus: Plague Company

We look at the Plague Company Detachment for Death Guard - what's in it, and how to play it.

Unit Focus: Chaos Space Marines Monsters and Vehicles

In this article series we’re taking a look at the vehicle options available to each faction, looking at what they can do on the table, and talking about when and how to field them. You can find our Competitive...

Age of Sigmar 2023: The Year in Review

With the end of 2023 about a day away some of our Age of Sigmar staff came together to talk about the year, sharing their thoughts on what happened in the game this year and what they hope to...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 27: End of the Road

In TheChirurgeon's FInal Road Through 2023 post he looks back on the year that was - competitive play and hobby progress - and muses on what's ahead.

Bair’s 2023 Year in Review: 500 Minis Painted

So I left last year's review with "427 models built and painted in 2022. Not something I’m going to try and match or even top in the coming year..." and here I am having topped it instead. Oops? And...

The Cards to Pick Up From Ravnica Remastered for Commander

Ravnica Remastered is a ... well it's a masters set but only of cards from expansions that took place on Ravnica. Ravnica is the most commonly visited plane aside from Dominaria, the guild concept seems to have really taken...

Killzone: Bheta-Decima and the Salvation Missions

We weigh in on Killzone: Bheta-Decima and the Salvation Missions, and whether the killzone will be a tournament staple.