competitive play

The State of 40k in Tokyo

We previously spoke to David Moss of the Tokyo Tactical Gaming group in our interview earlier this year, when they had planned a tournament circuit. That ended up being cancelled due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic, but as...

Start Competing: Stormcast Eternals

Do you like space marines but wish you could play them in a fantasy setting and with models that aren't all dudes? Do you really have a thing for gold armor? Do you just want to get the whole...

Hear Me Out, Rob Part 2 – Elves vs Robots

Pump up the dramatic music (maybe that one song from Kill Bill) because it's time for the showdown! Last week I tried to convince a skeptical Rob that my new and improved Necron list had legs, and in particular...

Start Competing: How to Assess an Opponent’s Army

There are many different aspects of strategy that contribute towards doing well at a game of 40K, many of which we've published articles about, but when you get right down to it your core goal as a player in...

Hear Me Out, Rob: Lockdown C’tan

Right that's it. This is possibly the longest I've gone without a game of 40k all edition. If I go blind, so be it. Welcome readers to my first time stepping up to the terrible Thunderdome that is Hear Me Out...

Three Cool Lists from the Fargo Two Rivers Open GT

Welcome back list review fans. James "One_Wing" Grover isn't the only one that can do these (though he's almost certainly better at it). Now that we're finally getting into the full swing of the 2020 ITC season, it's time...

Tournament Report: The Reckoning by Coastal Wargaming and WCG

Shane here again for another tournament report. After hearing about Lawrence Baker taking his Grey Knights to glory out there in the UK at the Beachhead Brawl GT in early February, I started digging into all the new combos...

Goonhammer Round Table: The February 2020 Space Marines FAQs

Yesterday morning Games Workshop dropped a bombshell on players with the surprise release of a set of FAQs that had a massive impact on the competitive meta. In today's Round Table series, the Goonhammer crew - and guest authors...

A Guide to Competitive Kill Team

We recently spent a good deal of time talking about where Kill Team is and how much we enjoy it as a competitive game. But many players may find competitive play daunting, or be unsure about how it differs...

Tournament Report: Bristol City Open 2019, Part 2

Some of the Goonhammer crew are regular tournament attendees. In our Wednesday Tournament Reports, we cover the latest events we've attended, what we took to them, the strategies we employed, and how it all worked out. Continuing from last...