Competitive Innovations

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Tyranid Is Somehow Still In Effect pt.1

The season doesn't let up, and once again we have lots of events to look at this week. We're starting one day later than normal because yesterday we put out a Tier List, so if you want to read...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: A 6-pack of Spice

Six tournaments this week marks the busiest competitive innovations has been in a while, and there's some interesting showdowns to cover, let's dive in. Nashcon Age of Sigmar GT 2022 82-player, 5-round Grand Tournament in Nashville, TN, US on August 20...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Spectacular pt. 2

Warhammer. So much Warhammer. More Warhammer, all of the time. Things are good, is what we're saying. Picking up from where we left off on Wednesday, today we'll be looking at: Denver 40K Fight Club (Major) The Iowaaagh! Open (Major) Grand...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Ogor and Out

Hey folks, let's start off this week with a correction. Correction: In our Competitive Innovations on the 28th July 2022, we mistakenly noted that Andreas Hölter's Stormcast Eternals list "should not be possible," which was incorrect. We have fixed the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Spectacular pt. 1

It's happening agaiiiiinnnn. We've hit another week where truly spectacular amounts of Warhammer has happened all around the world, with just over seven hundred players participating in an event of GT size or larger before you count the main event of...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Something Old, Something New, Lots of Drogors, Pusgoyles Spew

Four events to cover this week! Apologies if I'm a little loopy at times during today's article, I'm writing this at 4am because my daughter decided she wanted nothing more than to party in the middle of the night....

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Skeletal Surge

A slightly quieter weekend for once, but I strongly suspect that's largely because many of the world's best players have been preparing or travelling for the World Team Championships, which takes place this week. We'll have plenty to look...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Elves Strike Back Pt.2

Y'all love Warzone Nephilim huh? Thanks to the bumper crop of 11 events that took place last weekend, this is part 2 of this week's Competitive Innovations. Today we're looking at: Today we're looking at: North And South GT 2022 W4 GT...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Somehow, Aelf nonsense returned

Hey folks! Thankyou to RagnarokAngel for covering in my absence last week - if you've been following me on twitter you'll know that my internet got cut off for several days and left me in both bored and unable...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Elves Strike Back Pt.1

Another week in Nephilim, and another very diverse set of top performing armies to talk about. Plenty of the Nephilim superstars and some old favourites are on show, but a glance at the results also shows the first big...