Competitive Innovations

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.2

Our panel is back for part two of one of the biggest Competitive Innovations weeks ever. I'm once more joined by Tom Lowman, Jeremy "Curie" Atkinson and Peter "The Falcon" Colosimo to cover another seven events - plus one very special, extremely self-indulgent...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.1

How about those Arks of Omen, eh? People sure do seem to love them. This past weekend is, I think, the biggest for tournament play we've ever had other than LGT or LVO weekends, and terrifyingly that's not counting the 300-player...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: By Lasgun and Bayonet pt.2

Welcome back to part 2 of Competitive Innovations, where I (Wings) am once more in control, having mostly recovered from Nurgle giving me a bit of a once over earlier in the week. Big thanks to Tom for holding...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: By Lasgun and Bayonet pt.1

Welcome back to competitive innovations, where today we will be examining a number of GT size 40k events as the Arks of Omen meta gets into full swing! Today we're looking at: Melee at Shiloh (major) Renegades Open: Echoes Of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Darkest Timeline pt.2

Welcome back to part 2 of this week's column, where we've got four more events for your enjoyment. While a certain Marine chapter continues to look substantially overcooked, it's otherwise looking like a pretty healthy metagame out there, with...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Darkest Timeline pt.1

Buckle up readers, this week Arks is fully hitting its stride, and some frontrunners are starting to emerge. To the surprise of no one in particular, and the delight of Greg, Dark Angels appear to be the army to...

Competitive Innovations Extra: CaptainCon 2023

Look, what can I say, Gregbot's auspicator was on the blink (or possibly it overloaded when Dark Angels won an event) and we missed the biggest non-team event of the week, CaptainCon. For my part in these crimes, I...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Teamup Ark

After the excitement of LVO last weekend, it looks like a lot (though not all) of the tournament scene is taking a bit of a weekend off (understandable). Next week we'll be back to full speed on singles, with...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Nephilim is LVOver

This weekend a momentous event took place - I took a Wraithknight to a GT and... **Extremely Loud Incorrect Buzzer** Rob is looking at me from the other side of the (very real) Goonhammer offices and shaking his head, which I...

Competitive Innovations Editorial: Which Army Will Win the LVO?

It may not have escaped your notice that it's the LVO this weekend - the world's biggest Warhammer 40k tournament, and the finale of the ITC season. There's everything to play for amongst some of the game's top players...