Competitive Innovations

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Shambling Boi Summer

In what I could only describe as "the metagame ducking under my analysis then delivering a devastating uppercut", this week's CI not only doesn't have an Incarnate in any of the showdowns, it doesn't have an Incarnate in any of the...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Wraithknights at the Warmaster pt.1

It's been another busy week in the 40K world, with hundreds of the world's best players gathering in Europe for the Warmaster GT, and a trio of healthily-sized majors alongside it. A certain gigantic robot has, admittedly, been somewhat...

Competitive Innovations in 10th? No, More Elves! pt.2

So, the way this ended up split in two, part 1 didn't live up to the title that well. Now, face to bloodshed. Today we are looking at: Battle To End Alzheimers GT 2023 (major) BMC Cup War in the Fort Wars...

Competitive Innovations in 10th? No, More Elves! pt.1

Imagine a Wraithknight's gigantic foot, stomping on the metagame forever. Shortly you will not need to imagine this as we pop open our first event. This is your weekly update - Eldar and GSC, still way too good. In wider...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver and Gold pt.2

We're back for part two of this week's review of competitive lists, and today it's mostly a Lowest of Men show, with Wings sneaking in at the end to take a look at some of the lists from the American Team...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver and Gold

Another week of 10th Edition, and to answer the first question yes Aeldari and Genestealer Cults are still vastly too good. Apparently if I don't say that up front people get real mad, so to be clear assume that's the...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Dead and Loving it

After a slower week last week we're back with a vengeance with four, count em four events. As the meta begins to take shape around the new GHB we see which armies are truly rising to the top in...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Stars and Springs

The Tenth Edition train is now fully barrelling down the track, as last week's Tacoma/Show me double header is followed up by another week with two massive events, this time the Lone Star Open and Palm Springs Open -...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Showdowns and Supermajors

10th Edition switches to a higher gear this week, as we've got our first big blowout weekend with the new rules. Premier among the events of the weekend was the US Open Tacoma, but the 100-player Show Me Showdown...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Slain by an Elf

OK so the good news first - a reasonable number of TOs have rushed to adopt last week's balance changes, so this week's results are somewhat less elf-oriented. Only somewhat though - between a mixture of some events not updating,...