
Commander Unstable Mutation: Planar Portal (Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure in the Forgotten Realms)

With the imminent release of the new D&D: Forgotten Realms set, we're meeting in a grimy tavern for some ale and to review the set's new cards. In this article we'll examine one of the companion Commander decks released...

Commander Unstable Mutation: Aura of Courage (Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure in the Forgotten Realms )

With the imminent release of the new D&D: Forgotten Realms set, we're meeting in a grimy tavern for some ale and to review the set's new cards. In this article we'll examine one of the companion Commander decks released...

A Review of Magic: the Gathering’s Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure in the Forgotten Realms Expansion, Part 3 of 4: Multicolor and Colorless

With the imminent release of the new D&D: Forgotten Realms set, we're meeting in a grimy tavern for some ale and to review the set's new cards. In this article - the third of four in our series -...

A Review of Magic: the Gathering’s Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure in the Forgotten Realms Expansion, Part 2 of 4: WUBRG

With the imminent release of the new D&D: Forgotten Realms set, we're meeting in a grimy tavern for some ale and to review the set's new cards. In this article - the second of four in our series -...

A Review of Magic: the Gathering’s Dungeons & Dragons: Adventure in the Forgotten Realms Expansion, Part 1 of 4: The Mechanics

With the imminent release of the new D&D: Forgotten Realms set, we're meeting in a grimy tavern for some ale and to review the set's new cards. In this article - the first of four in our series -...

Commander Focus: Chandra’s Rage

Credit: Eric Deschamps, Wizards of the Coast There's a common archetype of magic, going back quite a long time, that's often referred to as Red Deck Wins (RDW). These days Red Deck Wins is often a term used derisively, along...

Commander 102: Resource Disparity and Denial

Welcome back to our broader series on general tactics and strategy in Commander! Back in our 101 article on Winning a Negative Sum game we promised this follow-up three weeks ago, then we got sidelined by the release of...

Commander Focus: Golos, A token of my appreciation

Golos, Tireless Pilgrim. Credit: Joseph Meehan, Wizards of the Coast Modern Horizons 2 is out and one of the things the set revealed is a renewed focus on "named tokens," with abilities that trigger off of them. Let's review the...

Commander Focus – Zabaz, or: LA+R+BO+DU RO+MO+S

Modern Horizons 2 wasn't exactly a timeshifted set, but it wasn't exactly not timeshifted, either. A number of mechanics were revisited that haven't been used in a while, and among them was Modular. Modular hasn't really seen much use...

A Review of Magic’s Modern Horizons 2, Timeshifted, but not: Multicolor and Colorless

Welcome back to part two of our Modern Horizons 2 set review for Commander. In last week's part 1 we took a look at the set's monocolor cards - you can find that here - while yesterday we looked...