Commander Focus

Commander Focus: Uro, Never Not Banned Cards

Credit: Vincent Proce, Wizards of the Coast Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, is probably the stand-out card of Theros: Beyond Death. It's hard to say exactly but Simic has been at the center of a number of cards which required...

Commander Focus: Take it to the Limit (Aegar, the Freezing Flame)

Credit: Chris Rahn, Wizards of the Coast Aegar, the Freezing Flame comes out of Kaldheim as part of a strange and somewhat new tribe combination: Giant Wizards.  If you thought this wasn't threatening enough: Imagine if he was also twenty feet...

Commander Focus: Kobolds and Swords

In general, combat damage is a difficult (read: Bad) way to win games of Commander. In a normal game of Magic you have to get your opponent to zero life.  Assuming they don't interfere in some way (either gaining...

Commander Focus: 2020 in Review and What Does 2021 Hold?

2020 saw an astonishing number of releases of product for Magic: the Gathering, and as Commander is its own essentially eternal format, virtually any release of any cards whatsoever adds the possibility of new cards for the format. And...

Commander Focus: A Pirate’s Life for me, Part II: Admiral Becket Brass

Avast matey! Welcome to part two of our series on building around Pirates (you can find part 1 here). Lemme ask: Do you seek to set sail on the stormy seas with a deck with flair and a nautical...

Commander Focus: A Pirate’s Life for Me, Part 1 – Malcolm and Breeches

Credit: Ferris, Jean Leon GEROME/Private Collection/BRIDGEMAN IMAGES The distribution of power throughout the tribes of Magic: the Gathering is - at best - uneven. For most of Magic's history Elves have probably been the strongest, with the combination of cheap...

Commander Focus: Lurrus, of the Dream Den, you can Count on him

Credit: Slawomir Maniak, Wizards of the Coast Given the impinging Halloween and the strange year, I think it's important to bring up a topic that may be of much concern, and is very relevant and very serious. Who is the best...

Commander Focus: Kroxa, doesn’t want the turn to end

Credit: Wizards of the Coast, Vincent Proce There are a few cards in magic that have mechanics associated with them that essentially break the game. The way some of these cards are dealt with changes over time; sometimes they work...

Commander Focus: Tazri, Beacon of Unity (but not of winning)

A long time ago, in a meta far far away, General Tazri was a top tier cEDH commander, and a shell for food chain. Food chain relies on a relatively rare ability: Cards that can be cast from exile. The...

Commander Focus: Omnath, Locus of Creation

Credit: Chris Rahn, Wizards of the Coast One of the more exciting cards to come out of Zendikar Rising for Commander players is probably Omnath, Locus of Creation. We might call this Omnath the IV, or Omnath's fourth iteration. Hopefully,...