Commander Focus

Magic the Gathering Commander Focus: Najeela, the Blade-Blossom

Today BPY looks at how Najeela, the Blade Blossom plays in Commander. Succinctly put: "This situation inherently threatening."

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 4

A fourth entry in our series about 3 mana rocks in the Commander format in Magic: The Gathering.

Magic the Gathering Commander Focus: Mr. Torture Throws Pain (The Lord of Pain)

This Commander deck leans heavily into the Rakdos Punisher archetype, turning your opponents taking game actions into damage before doubling up that damage and bringing the game to a swift conclusion.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 3

Part 3 in our series about 3-cost mana rocks in the Magic: The Gathering Commander format.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 2

Part 2 of our analysis of which 3-cost mana rocks to play in the Magic the Gathering Commander format.

Magic: the Gathering Commander Focus: Talking 3-Cost Mana Rocks, Part 1 – Cycles

We've covered how a lot of the different mana rocks in Magic work in Commander over the past few weeks, from the efficient 2-cost mana rocks to the expensive 5+ category of mana mountains, but the keen eye may have noticed we saved the best for last. The 3-mana category.

Commander Focus: Eat Your Foes – Boil ‘Em, Mash ‘Em, Stick ‘Em in a Stew (Frodo, Adventurous Hobbit and Sam, Loyal Attendant)

This week I'm back with a seasonal brew helmed by Frodo, Adventurous Hero and Sam, Loyal Attendant. This deck tries to generate as many Food tokens as possible, and then use them for drawing cards, stabilizing its life total,...

Ghoulhammer: Grimgrin’s Corpse Stash

Here's an early preview of the kind of content we'll be running next week to celebrate Halloween, when Ghoulhammer once again takes over the site. As spooky season approaches, it's time for the long forgotten undead to once again resurrect...

MTG Commander Focus: Costs, Reductions, and Eluge, the Shoreless Sea

One of the single best things you can do in a game of Magic is "Draw a card," but only slightly less well-known is this: "...spells cost {1} less to cast." Yes, reducing the overall costs of cards allows...

MTG Commander Focus: Polymorph, Scramble, and Why Deckbuilding Restrictions Matter

The conceit of Commander is itself at-odds with the idea of optimal deckbuilding; no matter how much some commanders are pushed, there may always be another option that has some upside over the more niche option, causing players to...