Codex Review

Codex Orks 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

This book rules unbelievably hard. Normally we do a fun pithy intro here, but in this case we felt we needed to get that out the way up front. Are you one of those Ork players who has a lovingly...

Codex T’au Empire 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

The T’au Empire launches its Sixth Sphere Expansion into 10th Edition with a brand new Codex!  Battlesuits reign supreme with the new Retaliation Cadre, while the infantry and Devilfish thrive with Mont’Ka!  New forms of Kroot subspecies join their...

Codex Dark Angels 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

The Unforgiven have carved their path through the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, and now they emerge from the shadows, clad in the iconic green* armour of the Dark Angels. With the release of the new 10th Edition...

Codex Necrons – 10th Edition: Points Review

Last weekend we reviewed the exciting new Necron Codex, replete with powerful new detachments, but a key part of the equation was missing to allow us to make a final judgement on its potential - the points. That ends today...

Codex Necrons – 10th Edition: Crusade Review

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Codex Adeptus Mechanicus, 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

The wait is over and the Adeptus Mechanicus codex has arrived. Check out our review to see what's hot, what's not, and what's very, very radioactive.

Codex Necrons – 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

Robots. Not in disguise. The Necrons have had a pretty good run of 10th Edition thus far, and now they’re rising from their tombs in full splendor, unleashing new detachments and updated rules to reclaim the galaxy from usurpers...

Codex Tyranids – 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

Now just what is going on here? Where are the Space Marines? This seems all wrong! Breaking with generations of tradition, Games Workshop are launching 10th Edition's Codex release cycle not with the power-armoured poster-children of the Astartes, but instead...

Codex World Eaters: 9th Edition – The Goonhammer Review

We’re now well into the lifespan of 9th edition and every single faction in Warhammer 40,000 has received a new Codex. That means it’s time to revisit Codex: Chaos Space Marines release a book for an entirely new faction!...

Codex Astra Militarum: 9th Edition – The Goonhammer Review

After more than two years of hiding in the far corners of the table, scraping by on Psychic Awakening Stratagems, and waiting, Astra MIlitarum players finally have their 9th edition codex. This new book finally brings the faction forward...