Charlie B

Gaming Spaces: Charlie B’s Hobby Space

In Gaming Spaces, we look at the spaces we’ve built to game in, talking about how they were built and how we’re improving them. In today’s article, we’re looking at Charlie Brassley's space, referred to by his wife as...

Necromunday Gang Showcase: Charlie B’s Gang

What up, Scummers. Following on from the release of Goonhammer's own lovingly crafted Lost Zone supplement for Necromunda, today we have a showcase of low-rent idiots who fit right in to the Lost Zone's "I can barely afford lasgun...

The Goonhammer Guide to Running Hobby Intros

Charlie: Like other mammals, Warhams need to reproduce. Unlike other mammals, we don’t have to use our reproductive organs. Instead, we use the time-tested hobby intro (although carriers of dormant hobby genes can also be pollinated by stray copies...

Automated 40K Crusade Roster upgraded to V1.3

Crusade is awesome, but does entail a lot of bookkeeping. Back in September 2020 I made an automated Crusade Roster to mitigate this. It's designed to suit tracking your Crusade force on your mobile phone using Google Sheets. As...

Warhammering on a Budget

Ask almost anyone about Warhammer and within the first fifteen seconds they’re going to use the word expensive. With that in mind, a whole gaggle of us Goons are going to try and make ourselves useful by pointing out...

Getting Started: Astra Militarum

At Goonhammer we’ve devoted a lot of words to talking about how to compete and take your game to the next level. In “Getting Started,” we look at how to get started with an army – the basics you...

Charlie B’s 2020 Hobby Year-In-Review

What’s the point in having the ideal hobby for a pandemic lockdown if you work in a hospital? Err…. none. But look, I’m just grateful to have a secure job, and despite a few confirmed Covid cases among my...

Automated 40K Crusade Roster

Crusade games involve a teensy bit more paperwork than your average game of 40K. A semi-automated digital version of the Crusade roster would make things easier, and yet there didn't seem to be such a thing out in the intertubes,...

The Narrative Forge: Making Your Own Characters, Part 3 – the Random Personality Generator!

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a massive place, and the “Narrative Forge” hobby articles encourage thinking outside the box (literally) when putting models together and stretching yourself out in the hobby. They aim to make hobbyists and players comfortable...

The Narrative Forge: Making Your Own Characters, Part 2 – Writing Good Characters

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a massive place, and the “Narrative Forge” hobby articles encourage thinking outside the box (literally) when putting models together and stretching yourself out in the hobby. They aim to make hobbyists and players comfortable...