
Hammer of Math: Quick Hits, 2/17/2020

This week we're going to answer a few questions from the questionnaire form! Please keep sending us ideas, they're always incredibly helpful. This time we're going to catch up on the Raven Guard and refurbished Black Templar options for...

One_Wing’s Tournament Report: Beachhead Brawl

Welcome once again elf fans - a relatively quick one this week because last week was a bit wild and so far my Warhammer time this week has been taken up dealing with an FAQ immediately breaking my article...

Age of Sigmar Review: Wrath of the Everchosen

(Authors note: Due to a misunderstanding some incorrect information was reported in the allegiance section. These have been corrected) Wrath of the Everchosen is the first Campaign book of Age of Sigmar 2.0 that didn't double as an Endless Spell...

State of the 40k Meta: January 2020

Welcome back, dear reader, to another State of the Meta analysis. December was a busy month for Warhammer 40,000! Psychic Awakening has already given us three supplements (with a fourth on the way), plus Chapter Approved 2019 and the...

The Horus Heresy – Legion Overview – The Death Guard

Oops, this is for Horus Heresy 1.0! - you might be after the updated article here. The Horus Heresy: Legion Overview - The Death Guard The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of...

Ritual of the Damned Reviews

In case you missed all the reviews yesterday (they're still on the front page as of this writing), we've collected them for you here. Psychic Awakening 4: Ritual of the Damned is coming out next week, and it's a doozy....

Ritual of the Damned Review, Part 3: The Thousand Sons

As we covered in our Start Competing: Thousand Sons article late last year, while the Thousand Sons are an early codex, with all the design quirks that represents, they’ve actually stayed pretty powerful, leading to a few nerfs to...

Army Showcase: TheChirurgeon’s Iron Warriors

The Painter: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones The Army: Iron Warriors Points: About 2,500 Collected: Since 2001 The Past The year was 2001. A young TheChirurgeon was avidly buying each month's White Dwarf, and Games Workshop had just started a new series that would dramatically change his young hobby life: Index...

Schemes of War Battle Report – Black Legion vs. Custodes

In this week's Battle Report, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones is pitting his Black Legion against Custodes in a game using the new Schemes of War rules from Chapter Approved 2019!

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Slaves to Darkness FAQ

Slaves to Darkness got its FAQ today, which many Chaos players have been waiting for with their breath held as there was a number of entries with messy wording and a few abilities that seemed at first glance to...