
Competitive Innovations in 9th: Adelaide Uprising

Week by week the amount of envy I feel for the Australian community grows ever greater, until soon it shall grow so large as to eclipse the sun itself. Which they have and I don't on my frigid hell...

Codex: Death Guard Round-Up

Codex: Death Guard is finally in stores and we're pumped to play with this new iteration of the Nurgley bois. In case you missed any of our coverage of the new book, the army, or are looking for a...

Don Hooson Talks Death Guard on Heretic Wargaming USA

Fresh off a series of articles about the new Death Guard book, Don Hooson was on the Heretic Wargaming USA podcast this week, talking about his favorite units in the new book and his thoughts on playing Death Guard....

Nick Nanavati Reviews Codex: Death Guard and Talks Tactics

Our ongoing coverage of the new Death Guard Codex continues! Today we're joined by a special guest - Art of War's Nick Nanvati, a former ITC champion and top-ranked 40k player. Nick's offering his thoughts on the new Codex...

9th Edition Codex Death Guard: The Goonhammer Review

It’s been a long road to get here but Death Guard players can finally rejoice and enjoy the long-awaited gifts of Grandfather Nurgle because Codex: Death Guard is nearly upon us! Games Workshop have been teasing us with some...

Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated!

The January 2021 FAQs and points updates didn't make a ton of changes to Chaos Space Marines, but the points update did notably decrease costs for Raptors, Warp Talons, Terminators, and in some cases, Helbrutes. As such, we've gone...

Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take: Chaos Factions Points Updates, January 2021

GW released a bombshell of new FAQs today, covering updates to the GT missions, points updates, and rules clarifications and errata. And as always, we’ve got you covered with the rundown of what’s changed and what it means for...

TheChirurgeon’s 2020 Hobby Year in Review

Well, 2020 is quickly coming to an end and that means it's time to look back on what we accomplished this year from a hobby standpoint. This was our first year doing regular hobby round-ups on a semi-monthly basis...

Army Showcase: TheChirurgeon’s Death Guard, Part 2

The Painter: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones The Army: Death Guard Points: About 3,500 Collected: Since 2017 The Past It's been a little more than year since my last post about my Death Guard and it felt like a good time to revisit them in light of the major changes....

Competitive Innovations in 9th: First Blood

Living anywhere other than Australia continues to look like more and more of a mistake, as they continue to enjoy sunshine, minimal Covid impact and actually getting to play tournament 40K. I could take the low road and spend my...