
TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 9: The GW New Orleans Open, Part 1 (of 2)

This is it, Dear Reader! After several more weeks of meandering posts talking about my practice games and hemming and hawing about daemon princes and bloat-drones and chaos lords, it was finally time to Put up or Shut up...

Start Competing: Black Legion Tactics (Updated 12/12/2022)

This is a companion article to our larger Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines article. In this article, we're looking specifically at the Black Legion traitor legion, examining their rules, units, and tactics and strategies for using them. The poster boys...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 7: Painting and Testing a New List

Welcome back, dear reader, to another episode on my journey to near-respectability at competitive 40k. In my last article, I talked about my experiences going 3-3 at the US Goonhammer Open, the struggles I was having on hammer-and-anvil deployment...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Warp Stirs pt.1

A new challenger approaches. As foretold by our expert statistical prognosticars, this weekend saw Grey Knights hit the metagame in a big way, with a couple of event wins (including a major) and plenty of other decent showings. Their...

Hammer of Math: Pacts, Powers, and Spawndom

This week's Hammer of Math ignores the Edict of Nikea and taps into the warp to examine the powers and pacts of the Thousand Sons, as well as the inevitable outcome of those who dabble in them. For most armies...

The Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take – Codex: Thousand Sons

Games Workshop released two more FAQs this week, this time covering Thousand Sons and Grey Knights in a surprisingly timely fashion. There's a surprising amount to cover here for such a small codex so let's dive right in.   Your opponent...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 6: The Goonhammer Open

Welcome back, dear reader, to another episode on my journey to near-respectability at competitive 40k. In my last article, I was doing some final prep for the Goonhammer Open, getting in practice games against Eldar and Grey Knights. Four...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Waaaagh pt.2

We're back for part two of this week's column, today covering: The North and South GT The FactoruM GT The Saltier Classic The War on the Shore GT The Kent GT If you're looking for any of the following events,...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Waaaagh pt.1

OK, so the new bit here is that seemingly every other week I need to introduce this column with "it's the biggest week yet for Competitive Innovations" because it is, again. This week we've got ten events from around the...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 5: More Practice Games

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing progress series that follows along with my journey to attend a slate of competitive events through the end of the 2021 season and get to a 3-digit spot on the ITC leaderboards....