
Warzone Nachmund Faction Focus: Death Guard

The first competitive season for 40k has arrived, with War Zone: Nachmund giving us new points, missions, secondary objectives, and rules to contemplate. These rules represent a major shake-up for competitive 40k and to help you make sense of...

How to Paint Everything: Abaddon the Despoiler

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. In this article we're looking at the Warmaster...

Start Competing: Word Bearers Tactics (Updated 12/15/2022)

STOP: This guide is out of date! You can now find up-to-date details on how to play this faction in our guide to playing Chaos Space Marines. Check out Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines here. The underappreciated scholars of the Chaos Legions,...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 2: January in Asgard

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing (mis)adventures in competitive 40k. In my last article I talked about hobby progress and getting in some practice games, and found myself crawling back to Death Guard after swearing them off. They're...

Maggotkin Battletome: Path to Glory Review

    Previously we looked at the new Maggotkin of Nurgle Battletome from a more competitive or matched play perspective. Today we look at the Path to Glory rules and how they work in your narrative campaigns.  Your Narrative  Path to Glory is...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 20: Looking back on the Year That Was

Welcome back, dear reader, to my ongoing chronicle of my journey through 2021. I've got some games lined up this week, and some hobby stuff, and I'll talk about it all next week. In part because I haven't played...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 19: The Asgard Games RTT

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing, weekly slog toward some level of competitive respectability in the 2021 ITC season. In my last update I played a practice game with my Thousand Sons and talked about some of the challenges...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: To the Finish Line

Christmas is nearly upon us, after which we launch into an exciting new year where it sounds like we're due three codexes in pretty rapid succession, a new set of missions, and (presumably) some further points updates too. There's...

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle – The Goonhammer Review

We're nearly six months into Age of Sigmar's third edition and the third Battletome is finally upon us. Maggotkin of Nurgle have had the longest release schedule between books so far and with this release are officially passing the baton...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 18: Making the Jump to Space Wizards

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing, weekly slog toward some level of competitive respectability in the 2021 ITC season. In my last update I wrote about finishing 36th at the Games Workshop Austin event, and the games I...