chaos space marines

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: March 2020

This month's edition of the Goonhammer hobby round-up is stuffed full of painting from the team. It's been a productive time now that we're all huddled inside our homes avoiding the gaze of the Great God Co'vid, and so...

Three Cool Lists from the Fargo Two Rivers Open GT

Welcome back list review fans. James "One_Wing" Grover isn't the only one that can do these (though he's almost certainly better at it). Now that we're finally getting into the full swing of the 2020 ITC season, it's time...

Hammer of Math: Quick Hits, 2/17/2020

This week we're going to answer a few questions from the questionnaire form! Please keep sending us ideas, they're always incredibly helpful. This time we're going to catch up on the Raven Guard and refurbished Black Templar options for...

State of the 40k Meta: January 2020

Welcome back, dear reader, to another State of the Meta analysis. December was a busy month for Warhammer 40,000! Psychic Awakening has already given us three supplements (with a fourth on the way), plus Chapter Approved 2019 and the...

Ritual of the Damned Review, Part 3: The Thousand Sons

As we covered in our Start Competing: Thousand Sons article late last year, while the Thousand Sons are an early codex, with all the design quirks that represents, they’ve actually stayed pretty powerful, leading to a few nerfs to...

Army Showcase: TheChirurgeon’s Iron Warriors

The Painter: Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones The Army: Iron Warriors Points: About 2,500 Collected: Since 2001 The Past The year was 2001. A young TheChirurgeon was avidly buying each month's White Dwarf, and Games Workshop had just started a new series that would dramatically change his young hobby life: Index...

Schemes of War Battle Report – Black Legion vs. Custodes

In this week's Battle Report, Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones is pitting his Black Legion against Custodes in a game using the new Schemes of War rules from Chapter Approved 2019!

Filthy Casual Battle Report: KHORNE vs. NURGLE – RUMBLE IN THE GRUMBLES

In our Battle Reports, we cover interesting games we've played, talking about the plans we made, the tactics we employed, the mistakes that rendered those plans worthless, and the memorable moments that are the reasons we play the game....

Your Pain Will Be Legendary: Slaanesh Tactics in 40k (Updated Jan 2020)

It’s been quite a year for Slaanesh in 40k. When we first published our tactics article on Slaaneshi units back in July, some new units had just hit battlefields but in the time since, we’ve seen a massive shift,...

That Gobbo’s 2019 Retrospective

It’s been a year since my 2018 hobby retrospective, which I wrote when Goonhammer was but a small blog for hobby updates and tutorials. This year I’ve made a ton of progress and followed through on my 2018 goal...