chaos space marines

Imperial Armour Compendium FAQ: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Games Workshop silently dropped a few major FAQs today, with big changes for Deathwatch, Space Wolves, and Imperial Armour: Compendium. As always, we’ve got a full list of the changes and how they affect your games. This is a weird...

Start Competing: Creations of Bile Tactics (Updated 12/27/2022)

The Creations of Bile are the marine warbands who have sold their souls to Fabius Bile, the Spider, exchanging their services or materiel for the kinds of genetic augmentations that you just know will have consequences down the road....

Start Competing: Red Corsairs Tactics (Updated 12/20/2022)

This is a companion article to our larger Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines article. In this article, we’re looking specifically at the Renegade Chapters and how to manage their custom rules and strategies. The release of the 9th edition Codex:...

Start Competing: Alpha Legion Tactics (Updated 12/23/2022)

This is a companion article to our larger Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines article. In this article, we’re looking specifically at the Alpha Legion traitor legion and how to manage their custom rules and strategies. The Alpha Legion were the...

Start Competing: 9th Edition Night Lords Tactics (Updated 12/19/2022)

STOP: This guide is out of date! You can now find up-to-date details on how to play this faction in our guide to playing Chaos Space Marines. Check out Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines here. The Night Lords are the consummate bad...

Hear Me Out, Wings: 9th Edition Night Lords

There’s more to 40k than just grinding out endless RTTs and rolling on endless maelstrom tables for wacky results. In Hear Me Out, Goonhammer authors (usually Chase) explore building offbeat lists and playing with new concepts, and put those concepts...

9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium: The Goonhammer Review

Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. The impact was, shall...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Northern Front and New Books

The past weekend was another relatively quiet one on the scene in terms of big events, with just a single GT to look at, but smaller events are still churning on and with new books just having come out...

October 2020 FAQ Update Review: Chaos Knights, Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard, and Thousand Sons

In advance of the upcoming release of Codex: Space Marines and as promised, Games Workshop dropped a massive FAQ update on us today (remember when we said fifteen books needed FAQs? Turns out it was more). There's a lot...

Hobby Heresy: The Chirurgeon’s Death Guard Daemon Prince

Ah the Daemon Prince. Is there any model more integral to the Chaos Space Marine experience with such a lackluster model? (OK, I see your point about possessed. We're gonna come back to those in a future article though)....