chaos space marines

Casual Friday: Tune Down For What?

Many of our writers and readers are into competitive play, or at least attempted competitive play, but many people also eschew that and just want to smash models around and don’t care so much about their win-loss record. This...

Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines (and all the legions) Updated!

A lot has changed recently with Chaos Space Marines. Most notably, the November 2021 Balance Dataslate changed Death to the False Emperor to apply to every enemy faction, not just IMPERIUM units, significantly improving the faction's melee capabilities. Additionally,...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Liminal State

Last week was a big old upheaval for competitive 40K thanks to the release of the first Balance Dataslate, and thanks to the intrepid players and TOs at Northern Warlords, this week, we get a first glimpse of the...

Kill Team Tactics: The Warpcoven Kill Team

White Dwarf 469 brings us yet another new Kill Team, this time giving us the Warpcoven Kill Team, which takes the Thousand Sons and gives you a reimagined and very different kill team to the one in the compendium....

Start Competing: Black Legion Tactics (Updated 12/12/2022)

This is a companion article to our larger Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines article. In this article, we're looking specifically at the Black Legion traitor legion, examining their rules, units, and tactics and strategies for using them. The poster boys...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: London Goes Big

A new record has been set for the largest 9th Edition singles event so far, with around 570 players gathering at the London GT to throw down and crown a grand champion. I was there throwing down in the...

The Goonhammer FAQ Hot Take – Codex: Thousand Sons

Games Workshop released two more FAQs this week, this time covering Thousand Sons and Grey Knights in a surprisingly timely fashion. There's a surprising amount to cover here for such a small codex so let's dive right in.   Your opponent...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Slamtastic Summer pt.2

As promised yesterday we are back, bringing you even more list review content from a blockbuster weekend. Unfortunately, scheduling issues have stopped JONK being able to join in, but Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones has stepped up to join me once more,...

Kill Team Compendium Review, Part 2: Chaos Teams

Welcome back to part two of our Kill Team Compendium Review, which was so long we split it up to make it more manageable to both read and write. In Part 1 we covered the basic rules for building...

The Goonhammer Review of Codex: Thousand Sons (9th Edition)

The Thousand Sons were “blessed” with one of the early codexes in 8th edition, a book that was relatively weak from the jump even by 8th edition standards, despite having access to Ahriman and Magnus, two of the game’s...