chaos space marines

Nephilim Faction Focus: Thousand Sons

Welcome to War Zone: Nephilim! There’s never been a shake-up this large during an edition of 40k, and in June Games Workshop dropped a new missions pack with all-new secondaries, changed how CP works in games, published new, all-digital...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Varying Degrees of Tyranid

The old world is dying, and the new world struggles not to get eaten, with what can only honestly be described as limited success. This week sees things very much in flux as different events adopted either none, some...

How to Build Everything: Horus Heresy Deimos Rhino

In the Fabricator General, we talk about the finer points of construction, conversion, and hobby projects that require a bit more elbow grease and technical know-how. From adding shelves in your display case to building an army display board...

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (9th edition) Review, Part 4: Crusade

Chaos Space Marines have a fairly hefty set of units available to them, mixing a bunch of Space Marine classics, unique units like Daemon Engines, and a huge host of Characters, both named and regular. In this part of...

Goonhammer Reviews: Codex Supplement – World Eaters (White Dwarf 477)

Over the weekend we wrote our review of the new Codex: Chaos Space Marines, which introduced us to all new rules for the Traitor Legions and how they wage war. We noted in our review of the new book...

Hammer of Math: Chaos Space Marines

Primaris Kevin is back! After taking a month off to welcome a new baby girl into the world, he's back with a look at some of rules and effects in the new Codex: Chaos Space Marines. First of all, I...

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (9th edition) Review, Part 2: The Traitor Legions

Welcome back to part 2 of our massive review of 9th edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines. In Part 1 we covered the army rules and gave some overall impressions. Because of the size of this review, we’ve split it...

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (9th edition) Review, Part 3: The Datasheets

Chaos Space Marines have a fairly hefty set of units available to them, mixing a bunch of Space Marine classics, unique units like Daemon Engines, and a huge host of Characters, both named and regular. In this part of...

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (9th edition) Review, Part 1: Overview and Army Rules

The skies darken and the storms gather as the time of Chaos descends upon us - rejoice, brothers and sisters for the Summer of Chaos has truly arrived with the upcoming release of Codex: Chaos Space Marines. After two...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 9: Final Prep for the Dallas Open

Hello, Dear Reader, and welcome back to my ongoing blog series where I talk about my path through another year of Warhammer 40k. Last time I talked about taking my Thousand Sons to another RTT. That went alright, but...