chaos space marines

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Tyranid Is Somehow Still In Effect pt.1

The season doesn't let up, and once again we have lots of events to look at this week. We're starting one day later than normal because yesterday we put out a Tier List, so if you want to read...

Hammer of Math: Warhammer 40k Daemon Princes and Daemon Weapons

This week's Hammer of Math fully embraces the temptations of Chaos and looks at the impact of the various combinations of Daemon weapons for Daemon Princes. Thanks to reader Rafael for the suggestion! The Daemon Prince represents the pinnacle of...

The August 2022 Codex Chaos Space Marines FAQ Hot Take

Another week, another FAQ from Games Workshop. This week we've got an update to Codex: Chaos Space Marines, shoring up some errors and filling a couple of gaps. There's not a lot here, but then the Codex itself is...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Spectacular pt. 1

It's happening agaiiiiinnnn. We've hit another week where truly spectacular amounts of Warhammer has happened all around the world, with just over seven hundred players participating in an event of GT size or larger before you count the main event of...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Skeletal Surge

A slightly quieter weekend for once, but I strongly suspect that's largely because many of the world's best players have been preparing or travelling for the World Team Championships, which takes place this week. We'll have plenty to look...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Elves Strike Back Pt.1

Another week in Nephilim, and another very diverse set of top performing armies to talk about. Plenty of the Nephilim superstars and some old favourites are on show, but a glance at the results also shows the first big...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: From Warp and Tomb

It's a big one this week, and we've got some exciting builds to look at, so we're pretty much going to jump straight in. Things continue to look pretty positive, with strong showings from lots of factions and some...

Getting Started: Chaos Space Marines (9th Edition)

At Goonhammer we've devoted a lot of words to talking about how to compete and take your game to the next level. In "Getting Started," we look at how to get started with an army - the basics you...

Model Review: Dark Commune & Chaos Cultists

Some of the new Chaos Space Marines range goes up for pre-order today, and it's an exciting time for anyone who's interested in Chaos Weirdos. A few of us here at Goonhammer were given the opportunity to get paint...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 14: GHO and LSO Prep

Hello again, Dear Reader! Time has been slipping away from me quite rapidly these days, reducing my ability to follow up on my previous article in a timely fashion. In my last outing, I attended the June Asgard RTT,...