chaos space marines

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Wraithknights at the Warmaster pt.2

We soar across the Atlantic to the US for the second part of this week's Competitive Innovations. Are the Wraithknights here too? Who can say? Well, me. That's my job. I write the column where I tell you about the...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Wraithknights at the Warmaster pt.1

It's been another busy week in the 40K world, with hundreds of the world's best players gathering in Europe for the Warmaster GT, and a trio of healthily-sized majors alongside it. A certain gigantic robot has, admittedly, been somewhat...

The Badman Chronicles, Part 6: Thinking Back, Looking Forward

Ah, it’s finally time to sit back and reflect for the Badman Chronicles again. A nice little update for the good readers of Goonhammer on one man’s hobby journey. Cover what’s happened since the last time I wrote one...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Stars and Springs

The Tenth Edition train is now fully barrelling down the track, as last week's Tacoma/Show me double header is followed up by another week with two massive events, this time the Lone Star Open and Palm Springs Open -...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Showdowns and Supermajors

10th Edition switches to a higher gear this week, as we've got our first big blowout weekend with the new rules. Premier among the events of the weekend was the US Open Tacoma, but the 100-player Show Me Showdown...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2023, Part 12: Early Games of 10th and Tacoma Prep

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing series cataloging my competitive and hobby journey through 2023. Last time around I quickly ran through the rest of my games at the KC Open. Then 10th edition released and since then I've...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual (Chaos)

So far we’ve seen the Chaos factions of 10th edition run the gamut from very strong (Thousand Sons) to pretty dire (Death Guard), but that’s only half the story - the point values of these units makes a huge...

The Goonhammer Review: 10th Edition Chaos Space Marines Index

The Chaos Space Marines had to wait a long time to get a new Codex in 9th and that meant for most of the edition they were sitting on a single wound with their troops. CSM received one of...

Chaos Space Marine Kill Team Tactics: The Legionaries Kill Team (Updated May 2023)

Hello there! Are you a traitor or heretic who hates the false emperor of mankind? Do you seethe with rage at the sight of newer, larger space marines? Do you like the flexibility of being able to run cynical...

Start Competing: Thousand Sons Tactics (Updated May 15, 2023)

Are you a fan of sorcerous tricks that buff your units and hurt those of your enemies? Do you dream of drowning your enemies in a sea of mortal wounds? Were you the person who always played a mage...