chaos daemons

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Lone Heroes

Apologies for being a day late - I'm recovering from a bout of COVID! Nephilim continues to be very popular, but it's fair to say that this week mostly feels like we've hit the point where the metagame has fully consolidated...

Ruleshammer 40k: Chaos Daemons

Welcome to Ruleshammer! This time I'm covering more questions about Codex Chaos Daemons! You can find more Ruleshammer Q&A by clicking the banner below! Q&A Daemonic Invulnerability Daemonic Invulnerability is many things but it is specifically not a few things as well. Instead...

Hammer of Math: Warhammer 40k Chaos Daemon Psychic Powers

This week's Hammer of Math returns to the Immaeterium to examine the probabilities behind the various Psychic disciplines available in Codex: Chaos Daemons for Warhammer 40k. With the notable exception of the Blood God, psychic powers are a major element...

Ruleshammer 40k: Malefic Weapons

Welcome to Ruleshammer! My ongoing attempt to make sense of the many rules, abilities and interactions of both in games of Warhammer 40k. You can find more Ruleshammer Q&A by clicking the banner below! Welcome, Dear Reader, to a special...

Codex Chaos Daemons: The Crusade Rules Review

Finally the article everyone’s been waiting for: Daemon Crusade Review! Whether you’re looking for ways to spice up your warp charged book club or add some new twists to your skull collecting hobby, these new crusade rules have got...

Hammer of Math: Warhammer 40k Chaos Daemons Warp Storm Points

This week's Hammer of Math feels the warp overtaking us and embraces the chaos that is the new Warp Storm Point for Chaos Daemons. Every now and then I wonder why I don't have a Chaos Daemons army. They look...

Codex: Chaos Daemons 9th Edition – The Goonhammer Review

Our long march through the 9th edition codex release schedule seems to be nearing its end as Games Workshop sets up for their next release, Codex: Chaos Daemons. Daemons have had an up-and-down relationship with 9th edition; they started...

War Zone Nachmund: Rift War – The Narrative Play & Crusade Rules Review

Lost in our less-than-enthusiastic review of the matched play rules in the new War Zone Nachmund: Rift War was our usual review of the Narrative play/Crusade rules. And it turns out there’s a lot of very interesting stuff in...

War Zone Nachmund Faction Focus: Chaos Daemons

The first competitive season for 40k has arrived, with War Zone: Nachmund giving us new points, missions, secondary objectives, and rules to contemplate. These rules represent a major shake-up for competitive 40k and to help you make sense of...

How to Paint Everthing: Be’lakor

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, talking about different assembly methods, techniques, and colors used. In today's How to Paint Everything, we're covering a Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar...