chaos daemons

From Beyond: Chaos Daemons Kill Team Tactics

Do you dream about bargaining your soul in exchange for dark power from the warp? Do you blink in and out of realspace with the ebbs and flows of the warp? Do you think that most kill teams have...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: March 2020

This month's edition of the Goonhammer hobby round-up is stuffed full of painting from the team. It's been a productive time now that we're all huddled inside our homes avoiding the gaze of the Great God Co'vid, and so...

Filthy Casual Battle Report: KHORNE vs. NURGLE – RUMBLE IN THE GRUMBLES

In our Battle Reports, we cover interesting games we've played, talking about the plans we made, the tactics we employed, the mistakes that rendered those plans worthless, and the memorable moments that are the reasons we play the game....

Your Pain Will Be Legendary: Slaanesh Tactics in 40k (Updated Jan 2020)

It’s been quite a year for Slaanesh in 40k. When we first published our tactics article on Slaaneshi units back in July, some new units had just hit battlefields but in the time since, we’ve seen a massive shift,...

Tournament Report – Seeds of Destruction

Last week we looked at three lists from the Seeds of Destruction GT in Wales, and the event is now in the books so it's time for a write-up. If you want to see my list before we jump...

We Have Such Sights to Show You: Slaanesh Tactics for 40k

Despite being one of the four cardinal Chaos Powers and Khorne's supposed rival in The Great Game, Slaanesh has felt like the neon-haired stepchild of the Chaos pantheon in recent years, even getting tossed into a sack and kidnapped...

Chaos Space Marines and Vigilus Ablaze – The Goonhammer Review – Part 2 (Army Options)

Intro Welcome back to all Chaos Lords, those tempted by the newly ascendant Dark Powers and the various Imperial lapdogs and Xenos scum wondering what on earth they're going to be facing down across the table once people have had...

Chaos Space Marines and Vigilus Ablaze – The Goonhammer Review – Part 1 (Units)

Intro Welcome, Chaos fans, to a very exciting weekend indeed. Not only is there a new and improved Chaos Space Marine Codex, containing all of the new toys from Shadowspear and a few more tweaks besides, the second part of...