
Age of Sigmar Lore Explainer: Orruk Warclans

With some tasty new Orruk-related Age of Sigmar stuff dropping this weekend, Saelfe is here with a Lore Explainer for the green bruisers of the Age of Sigmar.

In Memorium: Age of Sigmar Faction Focus – Bonesplitterz

So. Farewell then Bonesplitterz. First as Kunnin Rukk Then Wurrgog. And big stabbas I guess. 0.3% meta representation Sounds about right. Why We Are Here Bonesplitterz are a funny old army. Almost nobody played them; chances are that you - the person reading this - have never seen them...

Bonesplitterz at the Blackout VI GT: An Age of Sigmar Tournament Report

The Blackout series of events are 5-round, 2000-point matched play AoS affairs, usually run as ‘by the book’ as possible. Veteran TO Chris Tomlin has had an understandably rough recent run of it with cancellations and drops around Covid,...

Faction Focus: Orruk Warclans

Overview Orruks - or Orks as they were called in The World That Was - are green skinned beastial humanoids who's only pleasure is in fighting and more fighting. If you know Warhammer you probably know who these guys are,...

Start Competing: Orruk Warclans

Do you love Orruk warriors clad in heavy armor and slashing through enemies with brutal strength? Do you love orruks clad in very little clothing and using primitive weapons combined with shamanic power? Does the color green seem cool...